Analysis Of Global Machine Tools Market - Market Research Reports On Aarkstore Enterprise

Share: Machine Tools is a huge industry and is also fundamental for the investment goods
industry as it provides the principal industrial equipment base for the manufacturing industries. Thus, in that way the global manufacturing industry relies on machine tools for its core activities. Looking at the other way, the global economic activities and global consumer spending would decide the growth of the industrial production and in turn, the use of machine tools in manufacturing. The industry, therefore, has developed a strong correlation with the global economic growth and economic activities.
The production and consumption of the machine tools is concentrated regionally. Europe and Asia Pacific dominate globally in both production and consumption of machine tools. Japan is the top producer of machine tools followed by Germany, while China comes third. On the consumption front, China leads globally followed by Germany and Japan.
There are variations in the consumption patterns. Countries like Germany and Japan are exporting majority of the machine tools they produce, whereas Chinas exports are very less as it consumes most of machine tools produced. Japans imports are very less indicating its reliance on the domestic production, while US imports are very high.
In terms of application, automobiles are the major end users of machine tools. With the global economic slowdown, the automobiles production has been affected and so is the effect on machine tools. However, industries like electronics/electrical machinery and equipment applications are expected to experience a fast growth.
By combining SPSS Inc.s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.
This report takes a global perspective of the machine tools industry. The global market is analyzed taking into consideration three aspects - production, consumption and global trade. The main regional markets have also been analyzed. The report discusses the growth drivers and the major developments in the industry. The industry players are being profiled with a discussion of their business strategies.
Table of Contents :
"1. Overview
Production Processes
GDP Co-relation
2. Global Market Size
2.1 Machine Tools Production
Global Production Value
Production Breakdown by Region
Market Segments
2.2 Machine Tools Consumption
Global Consumption Value
Consumption Breakdown by Region
2.3 Machine Tools - Global Trade
Exports by Region
Imports by Region
2.4 Competitive Landscape
3. Regional Markets
3.1 Japanese Market
3.1.1 Orders
3.1.2 Production
3.1.3 Exports
3.1.4 Imports
3.2 German Market
3.2.1 Production
3.2.2 Exports
3.2.3 Imports
4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Growth Drivers
4.1.1 Global Economy
4.1.2 Global Automotive Industry
4.1.3 Growing Consumption in China
4.2 Global Developments
4.2.1 Industry Slowdown in Taiwan
4.2.2 Crisis in European Industry
5. Company Profiles
5.1 Gildemeister
Business Strategies
Innovation & Speedy Implementation
Become more Competitive during Slowdown
5.2 Mori Seiki
Business Strategies
Maintaining Growth
Strengthening Profitability
Establishing Global Management Quality
5.3 Okuma Corporation
Business Strategies
Expanding Customer Base in New Markets
Strengthening Technologies for Large Part Machining
Evolution of Only-one Technologies
Innovative Production
5.4 Amada Group
Business Strategies
Enhancing the product lineup
6. Market Outlook
6.1 Market Forecast
6.2 Forecast Methodology
6.2.1 Dependent and Independent Variables
6.2.2 Correlation Analysis
6.2.3 Regression Analysis
List of Tables
GDP & Consumer Price Growth Forecast (2009-10)
Country-wise Production with % Share of Cutting/Forming Types (2008)
Regional Distribution of Global Machine Tools Consumption (2007-08)
Country-wise Consumption of Machine Tools (2007-08)
Country-wise Exports of Machine Tools (2007-08)
Country-wise Imports of Machine Tools (2007-08)
Top Global Industry Players
Japan - Machine Tool Demand & Supply Growth (2001-06)
Machine Tools Orders by Type of Machines (2004-06)
Machine Tools Production by Type of Machines (2004-06)
Machine Tools Exports by Type of Machines (2004-06)
Machine Tools imports by Type of Machines (2004-06)
German Machine Tools Production by Cutting/Forming (2005-08)
Dependent & Independent Variables (200008)
Correlation Matrix
Model Summary Coefficient of Determination
Regression Coefficients Output
List of Charts
Development Stages of Production Processes
Global Machine Tools Market Growth (2001-08)
Regional Distribution of Global Machine Tools Production (2007-08)
Global Machine Tools Production by Major Countries (2008)
Global Machine Tools Production by Major Countries (2007)
Global Consumption Growth of Machine Tools (2000-10)
Global Machine Tools Consumption by Major Countries (2009)
Global Machine Tools Consumption by Major Countries (2008)
Global Machine Tools Consumption by Major Countries (2007)
Machine Tools Players Market Share (2007)
Japanese Machine Tools Orders (1997-2006)
Japanese Machine Tools Production (1997-2008E)
Japanese Machine Tools Exports (1997-2006)
Japanese Machine Tools Imports (1997-2006)
German Machine Tool Production (1999-2008)
German Machine Tool Industrys Major Importing Regions (2008)
Top Ten Import Markets for German Machine Tools Industry (2008)
German Machine Tool Industrys Major Exporting Regions (2008)
Top Ten Export Markets for German Machine Tools Industry (2008)
Global GDP Growth (2000-08)
Global Vehicles Production Trend (2000-08)
China & US Share in World Manufacturing Output
Chinas Real GDP Growth Rate (2000-08)
Sales Growth of Gildemeister (2004-08)
Sales Growth of Mori Seiki (2005-08)
Sales Growth of Okuma (2005-09)
Sales Growth of Amada (2005-09)
Global Machine Tools Market Forecast (2009-12E)
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by: Aarkstore Enterprise
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