Giving Before You Can Get In Internet Marketing

Share: Communication between people is increasing daily on the Internet and it has become part of everyone's lives to meet new and interesting people
. Businesses especially have learned how to adjust and to benefit from it tremendously.
Although there is still a right way and a wrong way to approach future customers and so often people still get it wrong.
I was on one of the sites earlier last week and was visible on the live chat section. Now normally anyone that wants to contact you will start off by saying hello and introducing themselves.
That is a great approach and a civilized one I might add to get your attention. You will feel that a connection was made between you and the other person and the urge for an induction is very much appealing.
I had a conversation with a number of people simultaneously due to all the introductions and was having a great time getting to know everyone better. The conversations weren't generic at all and I had a genuine interest in them and their businesses until I was approach by this gentleman.
The first thing that he typed was a website link and a message that you would expect from someone like that: "Have a look at this link if you want to succeed in Internet Marketing".
That is it? There was no personal invite or real interest in me or why I am even on the site.
It was purely a "robotic" approach that made me cringe. Do these people want to be failures by choice in Internet Marketing?
Normally I would ignore such an unreflective message and probably close his link; however, I felt compelled to ask this man if he has ever heard of giving before getting?
So I responded back in a calm manner with a question. The question was very simply laid down and with clarity: "Do you think that anyone will click on that link if it is your first time talking to them?"
Now what can possibly be the wrong approach? That "Robot" effect that so many people practise without being aware of it. If you are going to approach anyone in Internet Marketing by giving before getting, you will be on your way to riches. Learn the skills and you will see a leader building an Internet business quickly and not a follower that continues to make perennial mistakes.
To simply want to listen before selling, you might just find yourself understanding what people want. Dropping a website link before an induction of some kind, will make you to be the "getting before giving" type.
In other words, begin to comprehend that people want to buy from someone who has had similar problems before rather than pretending you know what they are going through.
Internet Marketing is not just about making money, it is about giving a solution to a problem.
by: Dev Maritz
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