Ghillie Suits and Wildlife Observation

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Ghillie Suits and Wildlife Observation
I have been advocating the use of ghillie suits in the observation of wildlife and birding for years. When Adam Grimm recently bought his ghillie poncho from ghilliesandstuff, I was pleased to discover that he used his ghillie suit extensively in his work and past time as a wildlife artist. As you can see from some of the examples of his work here, Adam is an extremely talented and professional artist. He has been kind enough to allow me to display some of his copywrited works here and on my website. My hunting visitors will probably be most interested in the game birds such as the turkeys, pheasant, and the ducks. As you can see Adam has also painted some remarkable songbirds as well.
Adam sent me some really cool shots of himself at work in his ghillie suit. He is as good as I have seen in the use of a ghillie suit. Not all of us have the artistic eye to match our terrain as closely as Adam has, but with effort and diligence we can get as close as is necessary for excellent results. If you notice, He likes to do birds in the snow so I expect at some point he will be getting a white ghillie poncho. By strategically adding some black and some brown threads he will end up with an authentic looking snow covered bush.
Adam carries his equipment to his working site on a sled and then either sinks the sled in the water or covers it with a spare ghillie suit. Of the ghillie suit pictures he sent me, I find the one with him standing chest deep in the water the most intriguing. That is real dedication. Definitely not something to try in the gulf coastal states where you find so many snakes, alligators, and in south Florida, pythons.
The other ghillie suit pictures are posed mainly to show off the effectiveness of the ghillie suit. The only reason you can see his face and such is he posed that way for demonstration purposes. Note that in a couple of the shots, you cannot see him at all.
I have a page dedicated to Adam's work on my ghillie suit gallery. I intend to also have page for hunting pictures and another for paintball pictures. If you would like to see your pictures in the gallery, contact me, James, at 704-620-2652 or by email at
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