Getting Quotes From Florida Auto Insurance Companies
Share: Florida has some of the highest insurance rates in the US
. Drivers, therefore, are always looking for new quotes from Florida auto insurance companies in order to try to reduce their premiums.
Because Florida has the largest number of senior citizens along with a large number of illegal aliens who drive without licenses or insurance, premiums tend to force the younger, legal drivers to pay for all damages.
Getting a quote is easy if you tell the truth about your driving history and are willing to provide personal information such as your social security number. Florida premiums are largely based on your credit score, and then on your driving record.
Insurance agents are loathe to waste time with you if you just want a "ballpark" number. People think that if they don't admit to speeding tickets, DUIs, and parking violations they will never be found out. What happens is that the agent gives you a quote based on erroneous information. You like the numbers, apply for the coverage, and find out that your premium is 300% more than what you had thought!
Of course, the other problem you need to deal with is that if you get quotes from too many insurance companies, and they each check your credit history, this alone with adversely affect your ability to get a decent premium. Companies who look at your credit report and see that five or ten insurance companies have already looked, this seems like you are being turned down. They already think the worse!
When you are interested in getting quotes, whether you think you can find something cheaper, or maybe you are moving, do plenty of research before asking for quotes. If you are just shopping for something cheaper, make sure you have an idea why you could be overpaying now. Not everyone can get cheaper insurance just because there are hundreds of TV commercials telling you it's possible.
If you want insurance quotes because you've been a safe driver for five years, or you bought a car with all sorts of safety equipment, that's one thing. If you just want to buy cheaper insurance because it's a budgeting problem, you may be in a for a surprise. You rates might be increased because your FICO score dropped since your original policy was issued, or that ticket your teenage son got last year hasn't yet been reflected in your new premiums.
by: Lance Thorington
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