Getting Pregnant With Uterine Fibroids
Share: Getting pregnant with uterine fibroids can be problematic for some women
, although it is reassuring to learn that most will go on to have normal pregnancies and a healthy delivery at the end. However, pregnancy is worrying at the best of times and especially so if you know you have fibroids.
Many people worry that fibroids will grow larger during pregnancy. Whilst this can be the case, it is not always so. Whether fibroids enlarge or not, there are several ways in which they can affect a pregnancy.
The size and location of fibroids can sometimes cause a feeling of heaviness and discomfort as they impinge on nearby organs. In addition, they can sometimes press on nerves, causing sharp pains in the legs or back. As a pregnancy progresses, a problem called "red degeneration" can occur. This is where the fibroid bleeds usually during the middle three months. It will normally settle, but should be monitored by your doctor.
Sometime, actually getting pregnant with uterine fibroids can be problematic and it is believed that fibroids are the cause of a number of cases of unexplained fertility. The size or location of fibroids can sometimes block the passage of sperm through the cervix or fallopian tubes. In addition, fibroids located just below the surface of the womb can interfere with conception or cause recurrent early miscarriages.
Once a pregnancy is established, fibroids are usually less of a problem. Although they can sometimes cause an earlier miscarriage, premature birth is the more likely outcome but this is usually later in pregnancy when the baby has a greater chance of survival.
There is some research to suggest that your chances of getting pregnant with uterine fibroids increases significantly (between 40-80%) once they are no longer there. However, taking the decision to have surgery when you are thinking about having a baby is not an easy one, particularly when scar tissue and distortion of the womb are both issues. This is one reason why many women turn to natural treatments to deal with the problems fibroids can cause in pregnancy.
Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the system I recommend is groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found something that will work for you.
by: Gail Atkinson
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