Getting Pregnant Faster - How Long After Birth Control can you get Pregnant
Getting Pregnant Faster - How Long After Birth Control can you get Pregnant
Getting pregnant faster is in many respects all about getting the timing right. Essentially you need to know when you are most fertile. The good news is this; there are multiple tools available to you in order to get this right and even if you stop birth control tomorrow it can be several months before you return to normal fertility.
You can use an ovulation predictor kit to help predict when you are ovulating and this will help you as your cycle begins to return to normal.
Beyond using commercial devices you can use natural methods in order to pinpoint ovulation. For example you can start monitoring your body temperature; this is formally known as charting your basal body temperatur for help in getting pregnant faster.
The objective is to look for an increase in your body's temperature by about .4 degrees Fahrenheit. In some cases there are women who will actually witness a decrease in temperature. There are always exceptions to every rule and this is one exception. You will need to chart this information and it is very important to take your temperature before you do anything else that day. You also need to take your temperature consistently at the same time.
This also applies when measuring your cervical position. Your cervix changes position during your menstrual period. As it changes position and changes in consistency you will need to take note, the harder it is and the less moist then you are not ovulating, if on the other hand it is becoming increasingly moist and changing in position moving upward then you are approaching ovulation.
When using all of the above getting pregnant faster becomes easier. Along with this make sure you keep healthy and eat right and remember. Most women take months befire they conceive, regardless of it they are on the pill or not. If you are trying to get pregnant faster follow these steps.