Getting An Affordable Auto Insurance Quote
Share: If you want an affordable auto insurance quote
, it comes down to a number of things. We'll go ahead and list just a few of the top tips below for getting a great rate on your insurance no matter what you drive.
Stay Clean
Obviously, a clean record goes a long way. Now, for many of us, it may be a little late for this. That said, if your record is clean, you'll want to keep it that way, don't take it for granted. For example, let's say that you've just gotten into a fender bender. Now, if you want your insurance quotes to remain low, then the last thing you want to do is go through the insurer for a repair that you could easily afford yourself. It's a matter of spending a little money now or a lot over time.
The truth is that most of us will pay insurance our entire lives and never get anything back from it. As tempting as it is to want to get something back now and then, it's simply not worth it. Insurers will bleed you, just try to make sure that they're not bleeding you quite as much as they'd like to be.
Go Through an Agency
If your record is clean, if you're driving a used car, if you have a job, you may be able to get some incredibly low rates. We're talking about less than three figures a month here. Of course, that's really only possible if you find an agency that specializes in hooking safe drivers up with really cheap rates.
If you're driving a new car, you'll need full coverage. If you have a record of incidents, you'll have higher rates. But, if you're safe, if you're smart, if you bought a nice pre-owned instead of the most recent model, then you may well wind up paying so little that your friends will be incredibly jealous. Remember, though, the insurance agency is your best friend here, so find a good one and put your trust in them.
Report Nothing
Unless you've gotten into a major accident, never involve the insurance company. If you want to keep your rates low, don't report anything. Never ask them to do their job. If they cover you for anything, like you're paying them to, then they'll only demand more money from there on out, whether the incident was your fault or not. Don't report anything unless you absolutely have to. If you can cover something yourself, do so.
by: Lance Thorington
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