Getting A Good Quote For Car Insurance For Teens

Share: It is an exciting rite of passage for any teenager when they receive their first licence
. It may however be a sight that strikes fear into a parents heart as they think of what will happen to their insurance premiums. There are things to be considered when getting car insurance for teens.
When your teen gets their first licence it will be for them learning to drive. At this point they will be required to have an adult who has passed their driving test in the car with them at all times. This means that the insurance companies will consider them to be a relatively low risk as they are accompanied by an experienced driver.
Once they have passed their test then things start to get a little trickier and potentially a lot more expensive. If you have a daughter then there is good news as she is considered, statistically to be at a lower risk of having an accident than a boy. Whether you have a daughter or son then it would be worthwhile for them to take an approved driver training course.
You may think that these courses look expensive, but the cost will more than be recovered by the savings in insurance. These savings apply for the first three years of your teenagers driving career. These courses can also be invaluable in increasing the skill level of new drivers.
Once your insurance company has given you a quote for adding your teen to your insurance then consider looking around at other companies for quotes. This is because although your current company may offer a great deal for you to be insured it may be quite unfavourable for teens. Another company may be able to offer a better rate.
Take a look at the kind of car that you drive, and ask yourself if it is suitable for a teenager. They may love the idea of driving your treasured sports car that you have saved up for, but is it wise for them to be driving something more powerful than they need. It may be better for them to build up their skills in something less powerful and expense.
It may even be worth considering getting an additional car for the family, and that would be suitable and cheap to run and insure. If you have more than one teen then this could be worthwhile if you ever want to find your car keys again. Car insurance for teens does not have to break the bank if a few sensible precautions are taken.
by: Lance Thorington
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