Get the Best Car Insurance For Women
Share: The Car Insurance industry in USA proves that
, men smart women smarter because they offer car insurance for men cheap and Auto Insurance for Women even cheaper.
Car Insurance for Women costs lesser than men in America. The insurance companies do not have to offer this as a special discount for women. Actually the lower rate of auto Insurance for Women is approved by the law of every state in USA. Because as per the overall guideline followed to make insurance rule in all the states of America, women are marked as the most non risky drivers. Women are very rare to found faulty in any severe traffic accident. But for men it is not so rare. Women drivers are very common to maintain speed limit on road and to follow the safety norms where as men have the common practice to break speed limit and violation of safety rules on road too is there on their do list.
As women are less prone to accident, they often do not claim accidental benefit. And even when they claim that is too for minor damages like little scratch or bump not for any major one like totaling or full body damage. So, the insurance companies do not have to spend much amount for repayment of bill as their insurance claim. That is why the insurance companies charge less for automobile Insurance for Women.
Women's car travels very lesser miles on an average compared to men's cars. That makes their chance to meet with a road accident lesser than men. Because the average of miles traveled by men in their car is much higher which make their chances to meet an accident is high. As the risk of meeting with an accident is higher, the rate of insurance claim is higher too for men. Also the mileage covered by any car per year matters for the insurance companies. It is an important factor to decide the rate of auto insurance. So, the insurance companies charge higher premium for Automobile insurance for men and lower premium for Auto Insurance for women.
Men too may enjoy the benefit of lower rate for Automobile Insurance for Women by taking the car insurance policy in the name of any woman family member and adding their name as driver in the car or by adding the name of a woman family member as co driver in their car insurance policy.
Get the Best Car Insurance For Women
By: Alok Kumar
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