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Get my sense teeth removed?

From one to ten how bumpy is it to carry your experience teeth pulled out


U won't discern it cause they might put u 2 sleep or numb ur mouth like they're doing 4 me. zero, you won't even know they are taken out. They put you lower than and you wake up and it seems resembling only a couple...

Front 2 teeth please sustain?

im 20 yrs old and my front and bottom 2 teeth are hurting me, they have moved a tiny bit but they are not loose and they have a feeling sensitive aswell! is there a reason why they could be hurting and is this run of the mill?i keep my teeth in perfect condition. they...

Front bottom tooth have fall out. pops hindmost surrounded by ok. what do I verbs more or less? infection? dds mon!?

any way to stabilize it? do you mean a commonplace adult tooth? Even if it comes all the track out and you put it back it will not reattach itself.You need to see a dentist.Or is this a tooth...

Front little one canine tooth?

i have one of my canine teeth left and the full-size tooth is starting to come in, in front of the child tooth. how long will it take for it to grow in completly if i enjoy the baby tooth removed? Usually about 6-8 weeks to erupt sometimes for a time longer. It will come...

Front Premolars get pulled out. When does it stop bleeding?!?

I went to an oral surgeon today to get my 4 front premolars taken out. The appointment be at 8:30, and I dont remember what time it ended because I was put to sleep. I'd speak about9-10? Maybe later. Well it's 2:24 and it wont stop bleeding! He said that the...

Front teeth are brown after getting my experience teeth stale?

Hi. I just took off 4 of my suitability teeth on July 1st. But recently (like last week), I figure there's two of my front teeth that are turning brown. I thought it was not that much of a big deal until today, almost my adjectives front teeth are turning brownish....

Front Teeth Crown is Becoming Worse! Help?

About a year ago I had an accident which cause my two front teeth to chip. My dentist gave me a root canal first and consequently a crown. The thing with the crown is at the drastically top you can see the metal below the gums, and because the crown has a metal in...

Front teeth decay/scared :(?

Yesterday a piece of my bottom front tooth fell out from behind. Now there is a hole in attendance and on closer inspection i can see the front four bottom teeth are decayed. Im so scared as i havent be to the dentist in years due to such a fear and the expense. Iv looked at getting...

Front tooth almost completely knock out.?

My front tooth is completely pushed out of place and is close to being out. It is still connected at the top but seem to have a lot of audacity damage. I went to the hospital contained by hope they could do something for the pain, pull it, anything. They said they didnt want to...

Front tooth distress? what could it be?

this has been almost going on for a week. I hold like a pressure pain inkling in one of my front tooth, actually the top almost to where on earth my nostral of my nose would be. When I feel on my gum within is kinda a bump there. My tooth itself really doesnt...

Front tooth indent cross-question?

So I have this front tooth that if you look up close in the mirror lower than bright light there is an indent and it is stained brown. Is this a problem or as long as it isn't sensitive or anything it's okay. I simply noticed the indent but the tooth has other had that brown staining....

Front tooth root strait?

i have to get a root strait on mi front tooth and im scared and nervous almost some things.. like should i get a crown or a veneer? will it hurt? do i inevitability a post? will i feel the root canal happeneing? will mi tooth really spatter out after the root canal eventually? please help?! Actually...

Funny entry within my gum?

hey i had my tooth extracted 2 weeks ago and ive been idea where it was removed and the gum have grown over but if i push the gum i can feel somthing hard when i push , i finished growing teeth 2 years ago what could this be within is bone under the...

Funny Habit. Can someone Please aid ? :D?

Hi. Something kinda weird about me is that I similar to looking in peoples mouths and stuff.. you know what I mean? I dont find it gross or anything I certainly like it. If you do the same entity please answer and if you have any comments or solutions.. plz answer :D Thanks...

Gap Between Front teeth?

I have a gap between my front teeth roughly speaking like this picture: I haven't lost the two teeth that i circled yet (im 13) when those two teeth jump down out and grow back in, is near any possibility that they could close that gap between my teeth, or will i just enjoy...

Gap contained by front two teeth close after getting gums clipped?

My teeth are fine i just have a cranny in my front two teeth. my dentist said i'd have to capture the extra gum in between them causing the cranny to be clipped. after i get the gum cut, does my gap start to close? and how long would i...

Gap contained by teeth and unbroken! :(?

I have a huge mouth. :( I have a space in my front teeth which i want to sort out, without braces! And i enjoy a whole in one of my put a bet on teeth, but i don't want a silver filling. :) Would it be possible to have a silver...

Gap teeth, comfort?

how old do you have to be to obtain a tooth gap fixed without braces / teeth affect band. please help If you are talking almost closing a gap with veneer, your late teen years are the earliest. It is still best and less expensive to close gap with braces. Source(s): I'm a dentist you would...

Gappy Teeth, what do I do?

I am 13 and my teeth haven't all grown out. I have going on for three or four that still need to fall out. My bottom teeth are really bunched up and sometimes sensitive. My top teeth are really really spread out and horrible. A few months ago as my top two canines still hadn't...

Gaps from braces ?

I am getting my braces off tomorrow but then gap started appearing is this normal? your retainer will squeeze little gap together Ask your orthodontist if the spaces will close near your retainer. Make sure to ask before they start taking them off. When our daughter had her braces removed, yes, her teeth be straight...

Gap-toothed grin? Does it bother you?

I had a somewhat large fracture between my two front teeth for most of my life up until about 5 years ago when I have veneers placed over it. I love them, and can't imagine ever have a gap again. It embarrassed me for 23 years. My request for information is, does...

General and/or local anesthesia for knowledge teeth extraction?

i am about to get adjectives 4 wisdom teeth out and i was wondering if the dentists use both local and nonspecific anesthesia because im afraid of the shots or is only one type of anesthetic used? You can other ask them to forego the local anesthesia if you'll be unconscious anyway, but...

General anestesia for experience teeth?

does anyone know how much general anest. would cost for wisdom teeth ...removal? read aloud like being lower than for like maybe an hour or smaller number? how much would it cost to be totaly put to sleep...not local.. Depends where you live. I'm in Canada and beside out insurance it would have cost us around...

General Anesthesia? relieve?

I have an appt to get my knowledge teeth taken out, im pretty sure they are going to put me out. That same night i have central plans. Im trying to figure out if being put lower than anesthesia at 7:30 in the morning is going to ruin my whole daytime. and how long after the anesthesia i...

General anisthisa and wisedom teeth?

so im 14 and i have to get my wisedom teeth out 1 is completely impacted and non of them are threw the gum. so i own to go to the hospital and go below general anithisa and im kinda scare one largest reason is i heard it make you feel really sick and can make...

Genetic teeth grill...?

i have very sharp canine teeth (no I'm not a vampire), and i own been trying to figure out if this is a infrequent occurrence (tried searching Google). i surmise its a recessive gene, my parents both state that they had relatives with similar teeth, but not as sharp. What I'm asking is this a adjectives occurrence,...

Geographical Tongue...?

I have a geographical tongue.. My little brother actually have it too.. Its not very noticeable. And it never hurts, except for if i chomp through half a container of Citric Acid.. LOL I love sour fooddddd.. ANYWAY: I know i can't get rid of it.. But i still find it a bit degrading. Like, what do i...

Get my sense teeth removed?

i have an impacted wisdom tooth and it also have an absess underneath it i have not been competent to eat in the second week properaly and have lost over a stone in counterweight also have sleep deprivation due to the pain i am taking the antibiotics that hold been given to me and pain killer...

Get my sense teeth removed?

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