Get Your Life Insurance Quote in 60 Seconds

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Benjamin Franklin, a founding father of the United States known as "the only President of the United States never to be President of the United States" made his name in printing, science and politics. He is famous for many achievements, but there is one quote that people still refer to today. In a letter to French publicist and historian Jean Baptiste Le Roy in 1789, Franklin said that "the only thing certain in life is death and taxes".
And it's that certainty that gives value to life insurance. You never know when death will strike, but you can be assured it's going to happen sometime. Life cover is one way of ensuring that your loved ones can rely on some income after your demise.
You can get quotes in one minute and buy life insurance in just a few minutes more online. This is to facilitate the ease of purchase and to keep premiums affordable by avoiding working through a middleman like a broker or call centre.
You qualify for this all-important insurance if you are between the ages of 20 and 65. Your age and current situation determines the premium (it helps if you are young and healthy), but you can secure about R1 million's worth of insurance to provide R4 000 in monthly income for dependants.
Premiums can be increased every year in line with inflation and can be paid by the policy holder, spouse or partner. You can also increase, decrease or cancel premiums at any time, without attracting penalties.
When you die, the life insurance policy pays out immediately to the beneficiary specified.
Some insurance companies also offer you cash back over periods of time. It's an investment you can't afford to be without.
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