Get The Treatment You Need After Being Injured At Work

Share: Work problems can include everything from a stiff or sore neck to a broken bone or much worse
. Continuous, repetitive motions can cause carpal tunnel syndrome in one or both hands. Workers who load or unload objects risk back, neck, head and other types of issues. Each of these injuries requires treatment, but we often forget that in some cases, chiropractic care could be perfect for allowing people to regain their mobility. Chiropractors don't set broken bones, but they certainly are able to help people with many other types of musculoskeletal injuries, including back problems and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Care by a medical doctor is expensive, but a worker will be able to return to work much more quickly when given a combination of chiropractic treatment and rehabilitation. This type of treatment is not only faster, but also much less expensive. Rehabilitation might consist of one or more types of therapies, including manual massage, ultrasound, passive therapy, active therapy, neuromuscular education and gait training, to name just a few.
Neuromuscular education teaches proper body mechanics and conditioning along with potential reasons for the occurrence of accidents and injuries. In this way, it can help prevent injuries at work. A chiropractor can provide this type of education.
A Doctor of Chiropractic is a highly trained medical professional who is able to successfully diagnose and treat issues with the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Your chiropractor will be able to diagnose your work injury and identify the treatment that will allow you to regain full function by using traditional diagnostic techniques including hands-on manipulation, x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging and laboratory tests.

Share: If test results indicate a particular work injury is beyond the abilities of chiropractic, any reputable chiropractor will happily refer the patient to a medical doctor for treatment. Chiropractors do not perform surgery or prescribe medications. Instead, the key to their success is hands-on manipulation. Partial joint dislocations, also called subluxations, are easily treated by a chiropractor.
An employee should not incur any out-of-pocket expenses in connection with a work injury. Instead, your workman's compensation claim should pay for all your treatment. The staff at the chiropractic center can assist you in completing the paperwork you'll need to get your treatment expenses paid in full. Additional care, including more chiropractic visits, could become necessary at some point in the future. If your claim is properly filed and the additional care is related to your workplace injury, these expenses will also be covered. It is essential, however, to educate yourself about your state's workman's compensation laws or have someone explain them to you.
by: Ryan Weisgerber
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