Get The Best Massage And Alleviate Pain Sooner
Share: Have you ever had a massage? Isn't it great? A wide variety of seasonings
, oils, mixes, rocks, tables, mats, clothed or not etc, many different body parts! A massage is applied by using the masseuses hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms or feet. Yes, feet! You can be walked on by someone, and if done properly it can feel good. To the modern American with no knowledge of massage, this can sound really questionable!
Massage is not a new medical breakthrough, no, this art has been practiced throughout the world. Chinese records dating back 5,000 years document its use; the ancient Hindus, Persians and Egyptians applied forms of massage for many ailments; and even Hippocrates wrote papers recommending the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems. Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue that enhances function and promotes blood flow. Do you think you need a massage yet? What is the best massage for you?
When receiving a massage, the superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue are manipulated to enhance function and promote relaxation and well-being. The art of massage became popular in the US in the 1800's. It had a surge of popularity until the 1930's and 40's. When modern medicine came to the forefront, the art of massage therapy became discounted as outdated and not so beneficial. Suddenly, it became popular again in the 1960s when nurses began to use it to relieve pain in patients. It again gained credibility when, in the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta it was deemed a core medical service. Which is the best massage for what ailment?
There are many ways of having a massage done. There are also many types of oils, seeds etc that can be used. A person receiving a massage may be on a mat, chair, or table, usually without clothes, but covered with towels or sheets. If one is uncomfortable with this, he/she may wear underwear. As far as remedies, oils may be used to cause relaxation or to stimulate blood flow. Body rocks, warm and cold coated in different sorts of oils such as fractionated coconut oil, grape seed oil, olive oil, macadamia oil, sesame oil, pecan oil and mustard and aromatherapy oils are also used. What a combination! A salad dressing of oils may help give you the best massage!
Share: If you are a heart surgery patient, note this: a scientific study performed on heart surgery patients showed there was a significant decrease in levels of stress after a foot massage. Reducing stress levels can help the body in many ways, mentally and physically as well. You will always come away from a good massage with a wonderfully relaxing and calming feeling. Massages can also reduce pains and tiredness.
To have a massage while pregnant would be great. To know that my physical pain, stress and anxiety, as well as hormonal issues could have been alleviated by something so good for me is comforting. A calming, refreshing massage I will be seeking if blessed with another child. Be sure to look for a certified pregnancy massage therapist and be sure to consult my doctor. I will not go through another pregnancy without one! When pregnant, this is certainly the best type of massage for a pregnant lady!
by: Fred Haines
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