Four Times Of The Year When You Should Buy A Car

Share: If you're looking to buy a car, you may not think that there is a time of the year which is particularly better for purchasing than any other
The truth is that although you should be able to get a good deal on a car at any time of the year if you haggle effectively, the following 4 times are great periods to purchase a car for the best bargains.
1. In February or August - the new vehicle registration plates are released twice year on 1 March and 1 September and in the weeks leading up to these dates, car showrooms are trying to clear as much of their old stock as possible so that they can take a large order of brand new cars.
As dealers are trying to clear their stock, some fantastic bargains can be had at this time of year if you're looking to buy a car that is a few years old. Make sure you haggle a bit harder than you might have otherwise intended, as it's likely to see you get the car reduced even further so that the sale can be made and the room on the forecourt made available.

Share: 2. At the end of the month - car salespeople work on commission. They receive a basic salary and then can increase this with the commission they receive by selling cars, meaning the more cars they sell, the more money they receive at the end of the month.
Whilst you should always haggle when purchasing a car, as the car salesperson will always look to do what they can to make sure you buy the car, they'll be more likely to include additional extras or reduce the price of the car towards the end of the month so that they receive the commission in that month's pay cheque.
3. After Christmas - no matter how much or little money you earn, the one time of the year when you're bound to have less is just after Christmas. Having spent all of your money on gifts, decorations and food and drink, everyone has to pull their purse strings tighter for those first few weeks in January.
As this is apparent, if you can save up money throughout the year to purchase a car in January, do so - whether you're going to Honda dealers or a Ferrari forecourt, it's going to be quieter than any other time of the year, meaning you're more likely to get a cheaper car as they car salesperson will be trying harder to get the sale and therefore their commission.
4. Any time before 2011 - it's no secret that the UK economy is in a poor state. Although we may be out of the recession and the economy is slowly recovering, there is still a long way to go before the country is in a financially secure position once again.
One of the problems that the country has is that it is in a substantial amount of debt and one of the ways that George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, is planning to reduce this deficit is to cut public sector spending and raise taxes - including VAT.
Therefore, if you are contemplating purchase a new car, you should look at doing so before the end of 2010 as from 4 January 2011, the VAT rate is rising from the standard 17.5% to 20% and whilst you may not notice it much on your weekly shopping, you'll likely to see a substantial difference when purchasing a 15,000 pound car.
by: Steve Carr
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