Four Questions People Shopping For Caskets Online Need To Ask

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The Internet market has evolved to a level where all products are on sale online - including caskets. We see many stores online selling caskets, which bereaved people can buy for the burial of their beloved. These are not virtual caskets: they are real caskets, which people buy online, before having them shipped to their cities/villages in readiness for the funerals.As with any other sort of online shopping, there are at least four questions you need to ask, when considering buying a casket online.1. Who is to foot the shipping costs for the casket bought online: you need to keep it in mind that the shipment costs for a casket are likely to be substantial, considering the typical weight and size of a casket. Therefore what may come across as a very cheap casket on sale online may turn out to be a very costly structure, when it emerges that you are the one to finance shipment costs (and when those shipment costs are added). You need to get clarification as to whether it is you, or the vendor of the caskets, who is to finance shipping costs. There is nothing wrong with buying a casket online where you are the one to foot the shipping cost. But you need to be aware of the fact beforehand, and run numbers to see whether buying the casket would still be a good deal, even after factoring in the shipping costs.2. How long the shipment of the casket bought online is likely to take: the idea here is to avoid ending up having to delay the funeral, as you await for weeks for the casket you bought online to be shipped to you. As you await, chances are that the deceased will have to remain the mortuary -and this will inevitably cost you money, adding substantially to the cost of the funeral. It helps if you can work out what method is to be used in shipping the casket, and what the typical shipment times are.3. Whether the casket displayed online is the casket to be delivered: the idea here is to avoid rude shocks - when the casket that is eventually shipped to you turns out to be substantially different from the casket you selected (pictorially) online. There are online vendors who display one thing online, and ship something else to the buyers when time for shipment eventually comes. You need to be assured that the casket that will eventually be delivered to you is one that looks exactly like the casket you select online pictorially.4. What the 'return policy' for the caskets bought online is like: there are times when the casket that is eventually delivered to you turns out to be totally unsuitable for use. It may, for instance, turn out to be a casket that is too small for the deceased, or something else along those lines. You need to know what the vendor's policy with respect to returns is like. You are well advised to avoid buying from vendors who have a 'no returns' policy (if there are any such casket vendors), because doing so would be rather risky. It can mean being left with a casket you can't use, which is made even trickier by the fact that unlike most other items, which can be put to alternative uses if they prove unsuitable for their original uses, there are really no 'alternative uses' for a casket.
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