Forex Robots - The Obvious Reason Why They Lose Money For Traders
Forex Robots - The Obvious Reason Why They Lose Money For Traders
You have seen lots of Forex robots sold online normally for around a hundred dollars or so and they all claim huge gains and they all have something else in common - they all fail in real time trading and the reason why is obvious and the subject of this article.
If you think about it, a Forex robot is offering you a huge income, you don't have to make any effort and you can buy the good life for around $100.00 - sounds to good to be true doesn't it?
Of course it is to good to be true and anyone who uses one of these robots finds that out quickly in the form of an equity wipe out. So why do they lose?
Because they have never made any money in real time and they never present audited track records by reputable accountants. You get simulations going backwards or so called real account statements but there never audited. You never get a verified results which are audited - try and find a robot that does this and your in for a long search.
If anyone seriously thinks, they can make more profits with less drawdown than the worlds greatest currency traders ( which these systems claim) their going to get a reality check.
If you want to win at Forex trading you can but guess what?
Your going to have to do some work and study, just like you do in any other business but the good news is that currency trading is a learned skill anyone can master. If you take the time and trouble to learn Forex the right way, you will be rewarded with a great second income and if you use a cheap Forex robot, your going to lose - the choice is yours.