Flirting Your Way To Romance Or Dating
Start out from friendship to dating
Start out from friendship to dating
Many romantic relationships start out from the couple being just friends. The transition from friendship to dating usually happens when they start flirting with each other to see if the other person feels the same way. It is also a light, fun way of letting someone know that you are attracted to them.
It can be tricky to flirt with friends. Unless the girl you like is interested in going out or looking for a potential boyfriend, there is a high possibility that she will not be interested in the advances you make towards her. It could also make her feel uncomfortable, and eventually, try to avoid meeting you.
Follow some tips to flirt with someone
There are a few tips you could follow while trying to
flirt with someone who is a friend. It will not be as difficult as you think. However, you need to be sure that you are not stepping out of line and that she too may be interested in
dating you.
Anyone can give someone a compliment without really meaning it or even if they do, it could be something that the recipient forgets in a few moments. When you compliment the girl you are interested in, you need to make sure that it is memorable and leaves a lasting impression.
Every girl likes someone who can make her laugh. So flirting with her and being funny and charming at the same time can work wonders when you are trying to get her attention. Making her laugh and smile will make her want to talk to you and get to know you better.
You can tease her and be playful. Having a fun conversation with her to lighten the mood while still getting to know her is a great way to flirt. If she does something funny, you can pull her leg and tease her a little about it. It is a sure way to make her see that you are fun to be around.
You can tease her and make her laugh, but the most important part is still missing. The girl you are interested in needs to see you as a potential date or even a boyfriend.
So, you can drop hints now and again that you are looking for someone to date. If she is single and recalls all the fun times she had with you, she is sure to be interested in going out with you.
by: Kathleen Soli
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