Fleet Insurance For The Family

Share: If you look out of your front window, how many cars do you see in your driveway
, on your lawn, in the garage, or even parked on the street because you have no room left? If there are more than 2, you should really consider getting yourself fleet insurance and start saving yourself some money. You are probably thinking, I don't own a fleet of cars, but in reality you do.
So many families have children who are now able to drive, or even extended family members living within the home with vehicles as well. If each person has an individual insurance policy for their vehicle, each family member is paying their own monthly premium. If your children do have a car, perhaps you are having to pay their monthly premium for them. You could save yourself a whole lot of cash and paperwork if you combine your policies and create a fleet insurance policy instead.
The majority of people have their home and contents insured and some also have their vehicle insurance through the same provider as well. This is always a good idea, as it is possible to get some really good discounts when you have a variety of policies with the same provider. The same rule applies to a fleet of vehicles, and this fleet could also be obtained through the insurance company that supplies the policy for the house and contents as well. You need to have a close look at your current policy though, as too many people simply stick with the same provider year in and year out, and in doing so, are missing out on quality cover for much better premiums.
If you are not that happy with your current provider, or they are not offering you the best deal or the quality service you are expecting, then it might be time to look into making the switch. Your good driving record and your no claim bonuses will still be transferred and recorded by your new provider, the difference is you could be covered for more while paying a lot less for your monthly or annual premium. Insurance companies are crying out for your business and they are more often than not, prepared to make a good deal to get it. Why not take advantage of that and update your policies at the same time?
The fleet insurance you need will depend on your individual situation and the number of vehicles that you have. If you have a classic car parked in the garage, you may wish to obtain special classic car insurance instead of adding it to the fleet policy, however that would depend on the cost of the classic car and again, your individual requirements. If you are unsure, talk to someone in the know, and someone with the expertise and experience to give you the right advice. There are many reputable companies available online, or in person, the important thing is to do something about your insurance now. Continuing to pay high premiums for no reason, continuing to pay multiple monthly premiums, or not really having the right amount of cover you need could really spell disaster if you or someone in your family has an unfortunate accident, or causes damage to the vehicles in some way.
by: Neil Anderson
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