Flags and Flag Poles - Ireland
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Flags and Flag Poles - Ireland
Many countries or nations in the world seem to fly tricolor type flags from all kinds of flag poles around building and non-building type constructions. Tricolor flags commonly display three different color bands of a similar height. The world counts flags of different countries.
The national banner of Ireland is also commonly referred to as the Irish tricolor. This beautiful flag displays vertical bands in the colors green, white and orange. Interestingly, the flag's proportion is one to two, meaning that the length is twice the width.
Unlike many other international banners, the Irish flag has no specific meaning. However, the green color displayed is said to represent the Irish nationalist tradition and orange the Orange tradition in the country of Ireland. White, which is displayed in between the 2 different colors, represents peace between both. The national banner is attached to both commercial residential flag poles throughout this beautiful island.
The Irish flag was first presented by a group of French women as a gift to Thomas Meagher, towards the end of the first half of the 19th century, as an act of sympathy. It took another 75+ years before the flag was raised and flown from a flag pole above the post office in Dublin. It was then that the tricolor banner was first considered the national flag of Ireland. Its official adoption was not till 1919.
The tricolor Irish flag is considered by many Irish nationalists as the national banner of complete Ireland. Controversially, it is often flown by many nationalists in Northern Ireland and others. This banner has an interesting resemblance to the national banner of Cte d'Ivoire.
International flags of different countries for use with commercial and residential flag poles are made available in high quality fabrics, including nylon and polyester. Manufactured using the highest standard in production technology, these flags display wonderfully from building and non building type constructions.
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