Five Things To Think about Before You Begin Your Spring Cleanup
Five Things To Think about Before You Begin Your Spring Cleanup
As the weather gets warmer it is that wonderful time again. I know it is still snowing in some places in late March. Perhaps then that is the last thing you want to be thinking about. However if you are may I suggest some things to think about before you begin that spring rite of passage for your yard.
First- Did you survey what there is to cleanup ? May sound silly, but what are you going to have to pick up. Is it old leaves from your fall cleanup? Perhaps it is some sticks from those winter storm? There can be some rather large ones that have fallen and will need to be cut down to size in order to be taken away. Again this varies from town to town so you may want to ask your public works or sanitation department what is the exceptable size.
Second- Do I have the proper equipment to do the job ? So this can range from the simple to complex. You can have a simple rake or broom of any size. Alternatively you can use an industrial vaccum that has the bag attached and as you drive it will pick up the lives. Or anything in between for that matter. Share:
Third- After my cleanup is there any lawn care I plan on putting down ? You have ferilizier, to top soil to the various turf builders and weeed killers. Don't forget about the crab grass killer either. There really is a lot out there to choose from.
Fourth- Did I want to add anything while I am already out there ? Does that white picket fence need repainting ? How about putting up that fence in the first place ?
Fifth- Prepare yourseklf You may be asking for what ? What I will say is that one weekend may not be enough to complete all that you wish. Perhaps your wife has some errands for you or some family event. I would not give up seeing your cousins wedding so that the grass has those sticks picked up. I would like to think you would not either.
I believe that if you follow the steps above it will make your cleaup a lot easier. This will make you in a better frame of mind. This is not only good for you but for everyone who is around you. It is worth trying it out.