Fire Pits- Perfect for Every Summer Evening

Share: Fire Pits- Perfect for Every Summer Evening
Some of my best memories involve fire pits. There's something about being out in nature on a cool summer night, watching the flames flicker up into the heavens that seems to bring you back to the first time people sat around a fire they'd made themselves. It is really quite a magical feeling. Once, camping out by a lake in Montana, a great little fire pit had been built up. It was in the absolute perfect location- a little ways from the tents, and with a view of the whole lake. We spent hours out there, from before the sun went down almost to the time it came up again. Campfires have a way of first drawing out funny stories and camp songs, and then after you've added wood a couple of times, people start to quiet down. Then come the deeper thoughts, something of the spiritual connection to nature. I've never left unhappy from a fire pit. Some of the most inspirational words I've ever heard were spoken late at night, over the fire.
For me, an essential element for any bonfire is someone who plays the guitar. In another of my favorite memories, I'm sitting out at Puget Sound, bundled up in blankets in front of the fire, listening to incredibly talented friends creating music with their fingers and voices. Outside the circle of light the fire forms, nothing else seems to matter, exist even. Wherever its light touches, that is what is important- the people you're surrounded with, and of course, the s'mores.
Because really, no matter how peaceful the setting, how beautiful the music, or how good the company, no bonfire is ever complete without s'mores. Is there anything better than having these wonderful conversations while holding a marshmallow over the fire until its perfectly roasted to your specifications? I submit that there is not. Now, not to brag, but I'm also something of a s'more connoisseur (a connois'more, one might say). My marshmallows always just reach that golden perfection, with a tad of crisp on the outside, and the middle all ready to melt in your mouth (well, my mouth. Roast your own marshmallow). The real trick, though, is knowing what to use for the rest of the s'more. Reese's peanut butter cups? Yes. Dark chocolate and raspberries? Yes please. I'm not going to give you all my secrets, but I think these two will be great starters. For those of you who've never ventured off the old Hershey's bar (which is a classic, and I love), there are so many unexplored opportunities out there. If you can dream it, you can make a s'more of it. That's my motto.

Share: Anyway, back to fire pits. Some people build their own. Some people try to build their own. Outwardly, I applaud them for their efforts. Inwardly, I think, "Why in the world would you go to all that expense and trouble to construct something that doesn't look as good and costs more than one you can buy?" So, reader, please take my advice and nix the DIY urge when it comes to fire pits. Making your own involves a lot of unnecessary rock-hauling, dirt-shoveling and back-breaking.
Often we don't know what we want until we see it- another reason to not build your own; it would be much too sad to spend all that effort and then see one in a store that you like better (and probably costs less). There are so many different options in fire pits that you can always find something that is just perfect for you. A nice option for patios and decks is the fire bowl- somewhat reminiscent of a sqat, flattened, but much more attractive bbq grill. It sits on legs, and provides a very well put-together image. If you are set on the stone look, there are choices there too. Honestly, there are so many configurations and designs of fire pits that it's impossible to describe them all. You really have to see them to understand; maybe someone more gifted with words than I could give you a proper mental image of the thousands of choices available, but I'm going to fall back on giving you a little bit of homework. This is the best kind of assignment, anyway; you don't just get a grade and some red marks on the paper, you get a fire pit perfect for your home or vacation spot.
So please, take a little time and explore all the options. I'm positive you'll see at least one that transports you to a scene like I described earlier, and that's how you'll know it's for you. The hardest part will be that so many of them are perfect for you. Happy trails!
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