Finding The Perfect Style Of Shower
As the owner of Kitchen Bath & Glass Center, a full-service company that has been
helping clients in Brevard County since 1987, Chris Fuller has spent years helping homeowners learn about all the shower styles that are available before embarking on a renovation project. And according to him, when it comes to renovating a bathroom, choosing the perfect style of stand-alone shower can be among the most stressful steps.
Choosing a shower can be difficult for many homeowners. After all, it has to do with the number of styles and options available to choose from, along with the fact that no one particular style is more dominant than others. Rather than simply choosing the most common style, I recommend doing detailed research to find a shower that best reflects both your budget and personal taste.
Larger Tiles
When it comes to new showers, my clients in Melbourne, FL, want shower doors that are frameless and surrounded by extra-large tiles. Of course, the large tile trend is not just restricted to showersits becoming popular for homeowners to add extra-large tiles in other areas of the home - such as the kitchen - as well. A lot of people are interested in that particular look, and I think it is a trend that got started because people were seeing large tiles in all the home magazines.
While large tiles are trendy right now, remember that these things can come and go. And its possible that smaller tiles might be more popular at some point in the future. For now, however, the majority of new bathroom remodels we work on involve the use of neutral-colored tiles in large sizes for the stand-alone shower. If you are looking for a way to give your bathroom shower a modern look, installing larger tiles could be a fairly inexpensive option.
Stand-Along Showers
In the remodeling industry, one of the most recent trends has been the shift away from bathtubs, as more homeowners choose to go with stand-alone showers instead. Not only are stand-alone shower installations the new norm when it comes to bathroom projects, but many homeowners are even beginning to tear out their existing bathtubs to be replaced with stand-alone showers.
However, it might not always a good idea to forego a bathtub in a home in favor of a trendier stand-alone shower, especially for anyone who is planning to sell his home in the near future. When you install a new shower, it means youre losing a bathtub and you dont want to lose the only bathtub in the house. Because so many homebuyers want at least one bathtub these days, I recommend leaving one bathtub to help boost the homes future resale value. What seems to be the case is that most homeowners are fine just as long as they have left at least one bathtub in the house.
When comparing the cost of installing a bathtub to a stand-alone shower, the two projects should be close in price. Price-wise, putting in a standing tile shower is actually quite comparable to installing a new bathtub with tile surrounding it. That is because building a shower pan out of mortar and tiling the walls above it is comparable in cost to the price of buying a new bathtub and adding tile above that. If you are thinking of doing a project like that, you should not let the price be a factor.
Rain Showerheads
Another popular shower trend right now is rain showerheads, which are essentially larger versions of a standard showerhead that come down directly from the ceiling rather than the wall above the bathtub. They are usually 8 to 12 inches in diameter, which makes them much larger in size than a traditional showerhead.
Before you have one of these showerheads installed, however, a few issues need to be taken into consideration. Installation of the new showerhead can sometimes be more difficult because a portion of the ceiling needs to be taken out to put one in, which can add to the overall cost of a shower installation.
Be aware that theres no limit to the number of unique products that can be used in bathroom renovation projects. For our clients in Melbourne, FL, shower doors, drains, tiles, and even showerheads are all important pieces of any bathroom remodel. I recommend speaking with a professional to learn about all available options.
by: Chris Fuller
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