Finding The Best Auto Insurance Companies

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In these economic trials every single penny counts. It is best that you know who the best auto insurance companies in the industry are. Yes, they are just around the corner but it takes research and knowing what categories fit the title of the best auto insurance companies today. This is not something impossible, many people have successful in finding the best auto insurance company. Below is a list of what you need to look for. Know which companies have the worst consumer feedback score. Here are a few problems that occur with many companies: refusing your claim more than often, they are quick on premium collections but slow in settlement process, they did settle your claim but it was unsatisfactory, they force you to accept a repair shop that is not up to caliber, the quality of the repair is then poor, unjustified high premium rates, they raise your rates after an accident, system issues like billing, policy and unreasonable non-claim issues. This is probably the worst and the scariest if you award your business to an insurance company like this. It is a nightmare for consumers. How do you avoid these things? Be on guard. Do research, research and more research. 1. Research for Consumer opinions - get hold of a Consumer Reports Magazines that publishes surveys done on most insurance companies regarding their customer satisfaction survey rates. See if there existing customers are happy or not. Then you will know your future with that company. 2. Get online and visit the forums. People today are vocal. Find out what other people are talking about and why they want it broadcasted over the internet. 3. Interview repair shop managers - the best auto insurance companies do not just take care of their client, they also take care of their business associates. Repair shops are one of them. Find out if they are easy to deal with as a company itself. Know if they have an effective claims system and see if the repair shop gets paid on time, etc. 4. Check their Government statistics. Insurance companies are regulated by the State government. Complaints, disputes and lawsuits are handled by either the Insurance Commissioner or the Attorney General's Consumer Affairs office. These are public knowledge and you can have access to it. Know who are good and bad. 5. Get a multiple insurance broker. Get someone who is not biased with only one company. They need your sale so they can provide you with the pros and cons of each company they are accredited to. 6. Get quotes online as many as you can. They are free anyway there is nothing to lose. They are fast and easy. Everything to gain and nothing to lose. Get your quotes online now.
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