If you're a college or university student we all know that financial issues tend to be tough and motor insurance is not an exception
. The main reason why cheap student motor insurance is difficult to find is that students are considered as high risk.
A recent survey revealed that eighteen year old drivers are 3 times more likely to be involved in an accident compared to a 50 year old driver, plus students tend to reside in high risk crime areas. Although you can add your parent to the policy as the main driver for a discount, you shouldn't ever ask another person or driver to claim on your behalf as this is unlawful and may results in a claim being declared as null or void.
What you need to look out for when selecting car insurance?
Many young drivers are preoccupied with looking for the cheapest policy. So, if you're able to afford it, then find a policy that offers the correct amount of cover that you require. Check out the total amounts you are covered for in the policy benefits i.e. courtesy vehicle if you are travelling from home to university and what the terms are if you are stranded without your car.
6 Ways To Save Money On Car Insurance?
1.Choose a vehicle with a minimum engine size without any modifications.
2.Improve vehicle security - Install an alarm or immobilizer to qualify for a discount.
3.Park in a garage over-night (locked if possible) in a well lit-up area will also reduce your monthly premiums.
4.Limit your mileage - If your classes occur only during the afternoon, then agree to travel during peak/rush hour and apply mileage limit for short distances.
5.No claim bonuses - Many insurance companies provide bonus plans to students which allow them to earn an entire year's discount on their motor insurance within approximately 9 months.
6.Do your homework thoroughly - Collect and compare many different quotes to provide you with the best rates and options.