Finding Auto Insurance For Teenagers

Share: Finding auto insurance for teenagers can be quite expensive for a number of reasons
. Essentially though, it is down to the fact that they are higher risk drivers.
Statistically speaking, drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 are considered high risk as they are more likely to have an accident than other age groups. Youths tend to be more accident prone whilst driving due to bad judgement and inexperience behind the wheel, particularly males. Premiums are calculated by the insurance companies assessing the risk and potential payout. So the more accidents that happen within this young age bracket, the more the rates will be inflated for new drivers or applicants.
The issue of bad judgement makes teens in general, more dangerous whilst driving. Teenagers tend to underestimate dangerous situations and don't always recognize serious hazards. Older drivers however are less likely to speed and tailgate, which is quite a dangerous driving practice. Out of the fatal accidents involving young males, in 2005, 25% had been drinking, and 38% had been speeding at the time of collision.
Another common issue is that younger people are less likely to wear seat belts. These statistics and figures are used by insurers to calculate the risk of insuring a young person. As this is certainly not in favor of teenagers, insurance is always high. Although this may seem unfair, a balance must be maintained with the insurance world.

Share: One of the best ways to find cheaper car insurance for teens is to approach many providers and then compare the quotes. This helps a lot as not all companies increase their rates by the same amounts. It is definitely possible to find a company that has, by chance, insured drivers that have had less accidents. Thus keeping a better rate for future customers. In simple terms, the more choice available, the more likely they will find something suitable.
There are also many discounts to take advantage of. One of the best ones for teenagers is based on their school grades. Students that are able to maintain at least a 3.0 (B) grade point average can receive savings of up to 20%. Another great step to discounts is taking extra driving courses or classes. Recognized institutes offer certificates of completion that can be presented to insurers to gain further discounts.
The premium price can also be affected by the amount of miles that will be driven. If a teenager will only be driving short distances, such as to school and back, there is much less chance of an accident. Another factor that will change a premium is the type of car that will be insured. More costly or newer cars will cost much more to insure than a second hand one.
by: Lance Thorington
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