Finding A Good Deal On Auto Insurance For Teenagers

Share: It is common knowledge that it is very expensive to get auto insurance for teens
. There is a good reason for this, which is statistical evidence. Studies have shown that teens are more likely to be involved in serious car crashes than any other age group.
It takes many thousands of hours of handling a car for a driver to get a good feel for any kind of situation that may arise. Getting a driving license does not mean that someone can drive safely. The skills and knowledge to drive safely take a long time to pick up. Does this automatically make seniors, another high premium category, better drivers? Statistics though show this not to be the case. Although senior drivers have obviously superior experience with the car, they also have certain weaknesses that can lead to them be classified as high risk for insurance.
So, now you know why teens and seniors have to pay more for auto insurance. For teens in particular, you can be sure that it is going to cost you a bundle. You are definitely going to pay much higher rates for your teen to drive than you do for yourself or your partner. Teen drivers can put a huge dent in your insurance budget. You can, however, try to find rates lower than the highest premiums possible, and try to make a difference over the years.
One of the first steps is to get the right help. You can do a little research online, but you should speak to an insurance agent, who specializes in auto insurance for teens or seniors, sooner rather than later. They can help you to get a policy that will enable you to avoid paying out of pocket for an accident. You may well find that there are various discounts that you can take advantage of. For example, teens with good grades are often seen as a less of a risk, and so a discount on the auto insurance premiums is given.
It is also a good idea to avoid giving your teen a swanky new speedster. Opt for one which is older and of a low profile, and which has safety features, such as anti-lock brakes. These vehicles can be cheaper to insure for teen drivers. If you go for a particularly old and inexpensive car, then 'self-insuring' can be an option, whereby you pay the costs of damage to the car yourself in the case of the teen being in an accident.
by: Mark Walters
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