Find Out Which Air Purifier You ought to Buy

Share: Find Out Which Air Purifier You ought to Buy
Contaminents in the air within our homes can be removed by air purifiers. The air outside your home is always cleaner and healthier than the air inside; this is a fact that most people don't know about. Cooking, cleaning products, pets and furnishings all give off varying amounts of particles. Because of their small size, the particles easily become airborne. Even if doors or windows are left open, this only serves to increase the quantity of particles that become airborne.
No matter if we can't see particles in the air they are there. It is common to see dust and smoke when light shines across the room but there are millions upon millions of other airborne particles, many of which are too small to see. There are the common contaminants such as molds, pet hairs, dust mites, dirt, particles from cleaning substances, pollen and other allergens. As you would imagine these particles are going to have a negative impact on health, especially for someone who is prone to allergies. In addition to the general presence of particles, there are many odors that are caused by airborne contaminants. This all adds up to a general problem on homes throughout the nation.
The remedy to the problem is to invest in an air purifier for one or more rooms in the home. Air purifiers are particularly beneficial for people suffering from asthma and other allergies but everyone would notice the difference in the air quality after using an air purifier. They are commonly bought for use in the main living room as well as bedrooms. The purpose of an air purifier is to suck in air, filter it, and release it back into the room minus the microscopic particles. Obviously the higher the efficiency of the filtering, the better the quality of the air will be. It is not necessary to run an air purifier 24 hours a day unless it is used specifically for health purposes.

Share: You will find types of air purifier on the market and this leads to the big question. Which type of air purifier should you buy? There are three main factors to consider. First of all there are the aesthetic points, whether it looks good and how much noise it makes when working at its maximum level. The second is the cost; how much is it to buy and how much do you have to pay for replacement filters if is an unit that needs them. The third is the performance - how efficient is the air purifier at purifying the air.
Needless to say the efficient particle filtering is the most important but all three factors should be borne in mind. For example if you want to use it at night, it is important to buy a quiet one.
Were I to select one particular type of air purifier from all those available I would have to choose a HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arresting) air purifier. These are the most efficient at filtering the full range of particle sizes and the filters last a lot longer than other type, indeed most are permanent filters that only require an occasional clean. The thing that makes HEPA purifiers so good is the fact that they capture particles down to .3 microns. This is small enough to filter micro-organisms including harmful germs.
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