Find Out How A North Hampton Chiropractor Alleviates Slipped Disc Pain Safely
North Hampton Chiropractor takes great pride in providing care to patients who have experienced the pain of a slipped disc
. A slipped disc can occur for a variety of reasons and can happen to anyone. The chiropractors who help patients with slipped discs understand the pain they are in and want to do everything they can to help.
A slipped disc can happen because of an injury, accident or as the result of physical labor. When this happens the lower back is the most common area affected. Symptoms can also happen when the tissue around the spine breaks down causing a part of the spine to bulge. The bulging of this tissue is what causes the pain in the patient.
Choosing to seek out chiropractic care offers an alternative to medications that a patient may need to remain on for extended periods of time. They also offer an alternative to other medical procedures that can take days, weeks and months to recover from. Seeking care from a chiropractor, finally, allows a patient to be able to continue doing the activities that they enjoy.
Care for a slipped disc begins with an analysis of the patients spine and posture. Another thing they do is figure out exactly where the pain in the patient is stemming from. They do this by completing pelvic balance tests and palpitating muscles.
When a patient sees a chiropractor they can be assured that they are not simply going to put their back into place. Traditional adjustments use low force and mild techniques to help rid the patient temporarily of pain. This is not a fix all, but it can and does allow patients to be able to continue doing what they need to do.
Understanding what they chiropractor does in his or her office will help the patient to continue getting better in their own home. Stretching activities for the back and placing heat and or ice packs are also suggested by chiropractors. The North Hampton chiropractor takes pride in safely caring for the patients with slipped discs.