Fibroid Tumors Of The Uterus - 6 Elements Of Natural Treatment For Fibroids
The fundamental truth about fibroid tumors of the uterus is that there is no single cause
. Like with other unexplained health conditions, fibroids are triggered by a number of primary and secondary factors which subtely interact within the body. There are also life factors and external situations which disrupt the internal balance of the body and manifest themselves in the growth of fibroids and the associated symptoms.
Some of us are more genetically prone to fibroid tumors of the uterus and it is thought to be this predisposition, coupled with lifestyle, dietary choices, toxic build up and weakened immune systems (amongst others) which trigger growth.
However, these factors can be reversed and even the blueprint of our genes can be altered with a combination of dietary and lifestyle changes. This means that although some women become resigned to the fact that they have fibroids, they do not have to live with them permanently or undergo surgery or drug treatment to get relief.
To be successful though, natural treatment of fibroid tumors of the uterus requires a robust approach. When you think about it, the causes of your fibroids is multifaceted and it follows that the solution must use a multifaceted approach. As it is impossible to determine the exact causes of fibroids in an individual woman, then all possible factors must be eliminated.
Natural treatment must focus on the following 6 elements:-
* Dietary modification
* Removal of toxins
* Body cleansing
* Exercise
* Lifestyle changes
* Relaxation
Each one of these elements is vital as it is this type of holistic approach which can really make a difference. Just carrying out one stage, such as dietary modification may help to bring some temporary symptomatic relief but will not bring about permanent shrinkage.
Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the system I recommend is groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found something that will work for you.
by: Gail Atkinson
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Fibroid Tumors Of The Uterus - 6 Elements Of Natural Treatment For Fibroids Seattle