Father Time Recommends You Relax With Your Own Personal Zen Garden!
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When life is difficult or your day is hectic, you can always take a few minutes to unwind and pick up the rake of your own personal Zen Garden, whether you're at the office or even at home!
These cute little Deluxe Zen Gardens will encourage you to create or simply to just play....it's just like doodling with a pencil and paper, like when you're on the phone, or you're waiting for someone to get ready before you go out of the house.
As a self-help writer and speaker, I always try to help people and one of these Deluxe Zen Gardens will reflect your inner feelings through the various designs and patterns that only you could imagine and rake. This few minutes of time when you are raking, will be a time when the small things can distract you, and when we have the chance to "glimpse into the meaning of the world...in a single grain of sand," for it has been framed in a certain majestic simplicity.
Playing with or meditating with the Zen Garden will bring stillness to your nerves, it will let your mind float away, it will help to sweeten your soul, or just like a book does...it will reach down into some deeper earthiness of your more secret nature and being.Behind this miniature Deluxe Zen Garden lies many centuries of disciplined striving and spiritual development. For the Buddhists it is an instrument of meditation and relaxation, and in the Western Hemisphere it is regarded as a stress reliever.
I am Father Time, and my website at www.FatherTimePublishing.com has many cool things to offer, including Magical Crystals and Good Luck Amulets, Psychic Readings via e-mail, and even these wonderful little Deluxe Zen Gardens Seen Here!
When you want to relax, meditate, de-stress, or escape the world for a few moments, you can do it withyour own, personalZen Garden! It is just like your own personal time machine!
Many Blessings!
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