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Facts About Breast Augmentation Surgery

Facts About Breast Augmentation Surgery

Many Los Angeles women are concerned with their personal appearance and want to look and feel the best they can

. If a woman is dissatisfied with her physical body, it may affect many areas of her life, including her level of self-esteem.

Breast Augmentation Procedure

Breast augmentation procedure, sometimes called mammoplasty, is a surgery involving the placement of implants underneath the patient's natural breasts. The implant is placed either above or under the muscle. This procedure is usually performed on both sides, however, it may also be used to correct a substantial size difference between the two breasts. In this case it would be performed only on the smaller side. The implant is made from silicone or saline. Most cosmetic surgeons recommend saline as they consider it safer, and capable of producing better results. Similarly, most surgeons recommend the implant be placed under, rather than above, the muscle.

Preparing for Surgery

In most cases, the Los Angeles plastic surgery will be completed on an outpatient basis, and a woman can expect to return home the same day. Typically, patients are instructed to fast beginning at midnight before the procedure, as it is usually completed under general anesthesia. In addition, most surgeons will give their patients medication to make them more comfortable after the surgery. Recovery time varies from person to person, however, usually a woman can expect to be up and around by the second or third day.

Choosing a Surgeon

Finding a Los Angeles cosmetic surgeon is a critical decision, and careful thought must be given to the selection process. When searching for a cosmetic surgeon, experts recommend choosing a surgeon that specializes in the type of Los Angeles cosmetic surgery she desires. Even though most cosmetic surgeons are able to perform a vast array of surgeries, there are some who have specialties, like breast augmentation or reductions, and this type of surgeon is the best choice for a woman seeking such a procedure. It is also in one's best interest to ask to see before and after pictures of patients who have had work done by the doctor she is considering.

Every woman must decide for herself if this type of surgery is right for her. It is always a good idea to talk it over with a professional health care provider, as well as one's family, before moving forward.

by: Christine Harrell
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Facts About Breast Augmentation Surgery