Factors A Majority Of Homeowners Overlook When Purchasing Home Insurance

Share: If you own a home in New Jersey, it is important to invest in a comprehensive home
insurance NJ policy that will protect not only your property, but also your personal property and liability risks. When you invest in a home, chances are it is one of the highest value investments you will ever make. Because of this, you must protect your financial interests and your investment with the right amount of home insurance. When you are choosing your home insurance policy, there are several factors that homeowners overlook. Consider the factors below before building your homeowners insurance policy and make the best possible investment to protect your investment.
When you are purchasing insurance, you never want to have to file a claim. While you do not want to file a claim, you want to invest in a policy that will be there for you if you ever do have to file a claim. When you are comparing home insurance NJ policies, you will notice home insurance policies come in several different forms. The most comprehensive form of homeowners insurance is referred to as an HO-5 special form policy. While this is most comprehensive type of insurance contract, not all companies offer this form. The most common insurance policy form found today is the HO-3.
HO-3 and HO-5 home insurance NJ policy forms cover dwellings on an all-risk basis. This is preferred because the policy will cover all exposures and risks except for those that are specifically excluded on the policy contract. HO-1 policies are named peril policies and cover against only perils that are named on the policy. Any HO-5 policy will offer extended replacement cost coverage built into the policy. While some insurers offer this as an endorsement, it is best to purchase a policy offering this coverage built in to account for inflation of materials and labor if your home were a total loss.
In terms personal property coverage, you will need to research how your property will be valued. Property valuation can be based on an actual cash value or replacement cost basis. Basic policy forms, such as the HO-1, will pay for personal property on an ACV, or actual cash value, basis. This means the company will depreciate the value of your property based on the age of the item. Replacement cost valuation is preferred and found in HO-3 and HO-5 policies because you will receive how much the item costs at present time.

Share: When you are shopping for home insurance NJ policies, you should consider more than price. Compare your policy limits and how claims are paid to make the best decision for your insurance. When it comes to protecting your largest investment, price may be the last thing you want to consider.
by: Brenda Fullwerth
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