Facial Paralysis as a Birth Injury

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Facial Paralysis as a Birth Injury
Unfortunately, this day can be marred by an act of negligence or carelessness on account of your doctor, a nurse, or the hospital. Incidents of birth injury medical malpractice can change your life and the life of your baby forever leading to paralysis, nerve damage, permanent disability, and even death. Studies indicate that for every 1,000 babies born in the United States, six babies will suffer some type of birth injury. [Remember to hire a Birth Injury Attorney
Here are some of the most common birth injuries which occur due to doctor's negligence or irresponsible medical staff.

Share: Fractured Bones:
This is the most common birth injury which usually occurs during difficult births or breech delivery. In some cases, the baby recovers quickly once the bone is immobilized but in some cases the baby has to suffer this loss through his/her whole life.
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage:
In this injury bright red band occur around the iris of one or both of the baby's eyes. This injury is not much harmful for the child and also does not damage the eyes. These red bands normally disappear completely within a week to ten days.
Bruising and Forceps Marks:
This injury normally occurs on the face or head of the baby. Usually these marks appear passing though the birth canal, and from associated contact with the mother's pelvic bones and tissues. These marks also appear on the baby's head by using forceps during delivery process.
Brain Birth Injury:
Birth difficulties can result in oxygen deprivation to the baby as a result of blood loss, or the twisting or compression of the umbilical cord. Prolonged oxygen deprivation can cause brain damage, and may result in seizure disorders, cerebral palsy, or mental impairment. These mistakes can lead serious, life-altering injuries. Misuse of forceps could lead to nerve damage and paralysis in the face, shoulders, and arms (cerebral palsy).
This term refers to bleeding between a bone and its fibrous covering. With regard to childbirth, this type of injury is normally seen on the baby's head. A cephalohematoma will normally resolve within two weeks to three months. If a cephalohematoma is mainly large, the baby may become skeptical as the red blood cells break down.
Facial Paralysis:
This injury will normally occur by applying pressure on the baby's face during labor or birth or by using forceps during the childbirth process. If a nerve is merely bruised, the paralysis will ordinarily clear up within a few weeks. With more cruel nerve damage, it may be essential to surgically fix the damaged facial nerves.

Share: Brachial Palsy Injuries:
This injury occurs when the brachial is injured. This injury most often results from "shoulder dystocia", a term which explains birth complexities which result when the baby's shoulders damage its passage through the birth canal. If a minor injury will occur, the baby will ordinarily recover within three months. But in severe cases there may be permanent nerve damage, and physical therapy and surgery may be required.
These errors can lead serious, life-altering injuries. If you believe your child was the victim of a birth injury caused by medical malpractice, contact a birth injury attorney. Because it is the right and the most appropriate way to claim for the justice of your child.
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