After giving away over 10,000 copies of his Advent Forex course Cecil Robles is finally shutting the doors. In 36 hours he's not allowing any more "free" registrants and his FXST Inner Circle will be closed.
If you haven't got on board yet then this is it.
Click here to watch a short video or read a short report explaining to you what hislatest development is all about.
==> Visit FX Swing Trader Pro Official Website
Once again he'll be shutting the doors at 11:59 p.m. this Tuesday and here's what you'll be leaving on the table:
Cecil's proprietary trade alerts software which alerts you on your desktop and by email anytime there is a trade to take.
His proprietary indicators so you can have effective communication with the market and price action.
The complete FXST Pro trading system broken down in 10 easy to follow and complete modules.
His total "inner circle" trading plan that is responsible for over 130% in profits this year alone.
The "Super Scalper" trading system for those of you that like to trade the 1 minute chart and up.
The complete "Super Money Management" system so you can keep your draw-downs low like him (2.8%) and explode your profits.
His cheat sheets that take all of the guesswork out of trading.
Access to Cecil's "Inner Circle" members area where you'll find all of the tools and resources he use as a professional trader.
Monthly live training webinars so you can get up to speed fast and ask your questions live to a professional trader.
Two free tickets to one of his live Forex Bootcamps anytime in 2011.
==> Visit FX Swing Trader Pro Official Website
The FXST Pro Course and Coaching is perfect for you
1. If you are an active market trader with at least $2,500 in trading capital, you'll recoup your out of pocket costs in a fraction of the time as most traders do.
You'll be able to turn that money over many times more each year and grow your account many times faster than they do.
2. If you are an aspiring professional trader and money manager, being able to turn a consistent profit for your client when the rest of their investments are going to pot gives you the most marketable skill in this investment crazed world.