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Author: Ghulam Mohyuddin Wani

Author: Ghulam Mohyuddin Wani

FOOD NOT WEAPONS IS GLOBAL NEED Introduction BY GHULAM MOHYUDDIN WANI DVM,Ph,D The change in climate and the droughts in the world food deficient areas have brought famine like conditions in Africa and Asia. The recession in industries and commercial production other than food processing has revived interest in agriculture in some of the developed countries ,It is said food industries suffered less recession than others, thus the food production and agriculture production interest revived.USA is the biggest contributor to the food aid but the recession has it effects on the transportation as at time s transport ofton of food grain costs more than the price of production. Thus the old burning of food grains in one content rather than its shipment to needy is slowly reborn. This demands self sufficiency on content or region basis . FOOD INSECURITY AND ITS EXPORT In recent years we have seen countries banning export of the food, fearing the insecurity in world food prices. This entails a judicious location specific food security policy.It will need more money in institute building, food processing and mitigating post harvest food losses. The amount spent on defence warfare if reviewed shows that world spends more on deadly weapons than on food. Thus all those countries and individual groups who are engaging the world in wars have to rethink their mandate. If both claim to be human and earth friendly, they have to abounding war and work for the peace .This is the only solution for mitigation of the climatic change, this is the only way to peace and avoids doomsday disasters in this world. This episode shall describe and review the amounts spent on defence and warfare by the world .The next which shall follow it will discuss world strategies to combat the global hunger and death. The man came to earth with his eve quite naked and having no companion or livelihood means or even any skills. The earth was a punishment announced to him on his discharge from the heavens. The GOD created him of clay well melded and infused a soul in to it, He gave him all knowledge which even angles envy and feel jealous of, all angles and the gains were asked to bow before MAN. All obeyed except the abeles who felt it disgrace to him to obey .He was cursed .He became an enemy of Man and owed to lead him astray, The God gave him the chance to him to do this and promised to fill the hell with people who obey the devil or the belies the satanic is this animosity which threw the Adam out of the heavens. He was mislead by the devil and tasted the wheat, WHICH WAS FORBIDDEN . Thus from the very existence of this universe devil mislead the man and odes it even now, He had the heavens still wanted to have more and in his greed for more he was out of the heaves and down to this earth. This narration refers Quran verses. It is reproduced here only to impress that man is never satisfied what he has and wants more power, money and this lust always destroys the world. In todays paper we shall review what is in the world and whether combining all resources we have enough to spend for food or are we spending more on weapons than the food. The American on an average spends 215 us dollars on defence which an almost similar to the average mans income in the world. WE HAVE A AVERAGE OF LESS THAN 1000 DOLLARS being earned by a common man and the told cost to feed him is around 300-400 a year. Imagine a single country of the world US SPENDING MORE THAN 215 DOLLARS per capita of whole human population in this world. My point here is we have avenues to feed all humans and animals in this world if we abandon wars and weapon and embrace peace. Imagine a world free of tensions and wars and all concerned to eat only after the nearby has eaten or is cared off, This paper shall review the global wealth and resources being spent on wars and defence, which if saved can save us all, Thus peace is the answer and an essential component of our existence on earth, In this worked of today about one billion out 6 billion live on less than a dollar per day. The world food prices have increased by 43 % in USA. The world think tank institutions are not in palace to meet their demands because of deficient bugets, Most of the institutes in the world are suffering from spasms or a sickness, Many countries have even found it difficult to use the food as aid due to heavy increase in the transportation cost. Out of one dollar food aid organizations spent 0.65 dollar i.e. 65 * ON TRNAPORT, The viable economic module to sent food from neighbouring food out lets is not forthcoming. For example in recent years the sale of rice by large exporting countries Philippines and Vietnam has been restriced, the fear of the drought in India might have Benn stimulus to stop exports and to build country reserve for the bad crop seasons in future, the purchasing power of the landless and the poor have been another problem. The programming of the rural development programmes in the India called NAREGA has substantially helped to avoid the food crisis by providing 100 days employment at the rate of RS100 per days .This provides a man or women Rs 10,000 per year, which may help him to make a square meals and avoid huger. The programme in its objectives is one of the best programmes thought of in the world and if implemented properly may help to avoid huger to a sustained level. USA will spent 534 billion dollars in 2010 on defence .IMAGINE a world of 9 billion in 2050 and average food cost of a man around a dollar, this amount alone can sustain 60 days of the 9 billion population.Whenwe add the amount spent by other countries we will see world spends more on weapons and army than we need all the future population in this world. I ask a question from all those increasing weapons and defence expenditure is not it foolish to go for weapon when peace is much cheaper than the war. More civilized have been killed in wars than the food shortages, then why we go for the weapons. This is what are devils desighs.He makes us to feel little when we are humble but insists us to in an attempt to live better they grab and subdue others .We wish to accumulate gold and wealth to let our lust and greed be satisfied and not for our existrnce.If global resources are pooled all the populace shall live with honour. This and third id the right thinking and perhaps all religions and GOD wishes us set up such a system.CAN WE PLAN AND DO IT? The answer is yes and if you ask how my answer is to read further. Global defence Budget. The war of Iraq and A fganistan has coasted around 900 billion dollars to USA IN 2008.The war killed many whose costs we are not able to calculate, but yes the wars wounded 33,000 men and women whose treatment coasted the world few billion dollars more, these costs are shown in American budget as oversee contingency operations and must not be less than few hundred billions for 2010 Economic calculations but simulations show that adjusted to 2009 vale of the dolls USA HAS ANNUALLY SPENT 2000-2500 billion dollars from 1962-2014,Thus these spending are continuous ,Some times we use to kill people in Vienam ,then in Cambodia ,Iraq and Afghanistan followed by many wars covertly or overtly. All have coasted more than it would have coasted to feed the entire world race including animals. Thus the weapons and wars are what breeds terries and regional fights be it Israel,phalestien,Irag,Bangladesh or camaroen,The net result is environmental degradation,asrenalization do the world. I would blame America and all other super powers to have wasted and exhausted the global resources for the destruction than the reconstruction of the global natural resources. This is what devil must be proud of, He has lead us to kill,killand kill and not to peace. It is not Americans alone who are to blamed the whole world dances to the tune of devil.Let us review the world spending on defence. The 2009 U.S. military budget is almost as much as the rest of the world's defense spending combined and is over nine times more than the defence budget of china.The Usa spent 37 ,8% of its GDP IN 1944,Today it spends around 4%,,During VEITNAM spent around 9.4 % on defence. The americium economy and growth is externally supported by deposits and debts from rest of the world. Thus the real spending and not the saving has been the slogan of uncrossing money flow and employments omen economists criticize it as a divesting for the world financial order. If the banks in the world go bankrupt it is not the money of any one country but the whole worked which floats and sinks .Thus a new reformation model is necessary. We leave it to the economists to devise one. May be the Islamic models thought of in Malaysia and other countries need a try. This topic has been death by the economic reviewers, we may try to discuss economics of food production and distribution in this global village in our next episode, and here we conclude that world spends on destruction more than it needs to sustain life on earth. Thus the devil plays his game of divide and rule. Let us all the humans and subjects of one and only one GOD assemble,discuss,prepose and concise on peace and not war. Let the love of GOD be dear to us than the love of devil. HUMAN IS TO BE FED AND NOT KILLED, No bullet fired by friend or foe is desireable.Every on killed in this war of today is a human from this earth and not from any other sphere. Even if someone comes from other alien spheres we must meld them to peace not war ,this make our goal for a universal brotherhood series more relevant and important. Please write back to author your views and support the Author:

To my love and affection for the world of poor and hungry.I wish a global village of peace and tranquelity,where no one suffers the injustices I suffered in my life.I wish a world of pious and hard working and not those counny and conspuratore.I work for 18 hrs a day to complie information for publication of my books .I write here so that all readres may become my peers.DADICATED TO THOSE SWEET MEMORIES OF 1999 WHICH LEFT ME HIGH AND DRY AND CHANGED THE COURSE OF THIS GLOBE.WAR NOT PEACE IS MY MOTTO AND AIM TO PROPAGATE NOW IN LIFE
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