Look at This Before Purchasing Potbelly Pigs

Share: Author: Robert North
Author: Robert North
Pot belly pigs can be very cool pets to own, but a lot of people make the mistake of adopting or purchasing one without a full understanding of their behavior. This leads to many pigs being thrown out and abandoned year after year. Many people who already own one know that this is all to true at times, but is it always this way? No, it certainly is not, so here are some things that you should know before buying one, or even if you already have one and are having a hard time with your pot belly pig. Their appetites are very large. If you have anything that can be eaten laying around the house within close reach, you need to "pig proof" your home. Put everything up, and you may go so far as to acquire safety latches for kitchen cabinets that are close to the floor. At the same time, pigs can be very well trained by using food. Always reward a pet pig with a treat and a high-praising voice when it has done something good. Just like with any animal, you don't ever want to reward them for bad behavior. You have to make it clear what is acceptable and what is not. You can also use methods like this to train them to use a little box, though it should be said that potbelly pigs need a fair amount of playtime outside each day. They tend to root in connection with their appetite, so its important to keep your pig well fed to keep this activity down. Letting them roam around and mess around in a back yard will also help with this. Keep any thing that is valuable up and off the floor just in case there is an accident. A lot of times having other animals in the house is not a good idea. There have been plenty of cases where pigs and dogs and cats get along fine, but use your best judgment, as its never a good idea to test this too much. Pigs don't always stay small as their titles can some times lead to. In fact they can grow to become quite large, but there is such a thing as obesity in this creature. Feeding them well, as you would yourself, is very important to take care of them. They can also live to be a good age, as most of them stand up to their longevity. If you don't feel prepared to have this kind of a creature for this long, then please don't get one, as this is a huge mistake that a lot of people make. Their behavior can be both incredibly rewarding as well as problematic, but it does depend on your environmental preparation and training. They need lots of attention and love. The attention that you give them can also lead to a pet pig becoming too territorial, so you also need to socialize them appropriately. When you first bring home your little piglet you may find them to be backward or shy. This is normal.Do you know what kind of care do they need?
Potbelly Pigs Secrets allow you to read all of them secrets.Don't allow this behavior to go on completely, but don't over-do-it with giving them too much attention. They are very much like us and may require space. Pigs are incredibly intelligent. You can teach them tricks very easily and they can even be trained to walk with a leash. If you need a good idea of what they are like, its pretty safe to say that they are very much like dogs, but where they are pet pigs is what gets neglected and causes problems on down the road. Having the right understanding of how to train them and having your home set up right should take care of this problem. For people who are very allergic to most common pets, they may be surprised to learn that pigs in the house usually don't contribute to this. However, pet pigs are prone to skin allergies themselves, and require special skin care. Just like with any animal they are absolutely wonderful, and the person who can give them the special care and attention that they need and deserve will come out ahead with their pet. There personality, enthusiasm, lovingness and loyalty makes the potbelly pig easily one of the greatest animals to have around, so long as the owner is the right kind of person who is well prepared to take care of this creature.About the Author:
I like to write articles about Potbelly pigs.
Potbelly Pigs Secrets
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