Expectant Mothers Should Take Care of the Teeth

Share: Because of physiological and psychological changes
, expectant mothers can get dental diseases during the pregnancy. The dental diseases endanger the health of both pregnant women and the fetuses. In order to overcome the dental plaque, it is necessary for expectant mothers to take good care of the teeth.
The growth of the babies' teeth usually begins in the embryo. The growth process of their teeth can be divided into the formation of dental germ, calcification, the formation of dental crown and the formation of the root of the teeth. Although the fetuses have no tooth, the 20 deciduous teeth begin to grow in the 6th week of pregnancy. Therefore, the gestational health condition of expectant mothers can greatly affect the health of the babies' teeth in the future.
What's more, the dental diseases can affect the absorption of nutrients for mothers. Various kinds of pregnancy responses can be caused during the early stage of pregnancy, such as uncomfortable physical condition, irregular life and the local allergy of teeth. Pregnant women usually do not attach importance to the dental care. Thus, dental plaque can be seriously caused. The toxins of bacteria contained in dental plaque and the changeable internal secretion can stimulate the gingiva to cause the telangiectasis, red and swollen gums and gingivitis and so on. In addition, pregnant women usually like to eat acid foods, which can make the vomits acid. Therefore, the teeth can always exist in a kind of acid environment, which can increase the risks of getting saprodontia. The dental diseases can directly affect the chewing ability and swallowing ability and further hinder the digestion and absorption of nutrients.
According to the experts, the appearance of teeth must go through growth period and calcification period. The dental tissues formed and calcified during these two periods greatly affect the ability of resisting dental caries after the eruption of the teeth. Therefore, the physiological, psychological and nutritional condition of expectant mothers can extremely affect the growth of the fetuses' teeth. During the pregnancy, adequate nutrients like protein, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and iodine must be supplemented for pregnancy women. Calcium and phosphorus play an important role in calcifying the bones and the teeth. Protein, vitamin A,
vitamin C and vitamin D are all essential nutrients during the formation of the bones and the teeth. In order to maintain the healthy development of teeth for the fetuses, expectant mothers should maintain the balanced and nutritional diet.
Expectant Mothers Should Take Care of the Teeth
By: green sunny
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