Evolution Of Online Shopping In India
Share: Online Shopping, well as we all know is one of the most discussed subject these days among the internet users
. Discussing about the new upcoming websites, secure and trustable sites is a common thing now for people. Where one side the scams are increasing tremendously over the internet, contrary there are many sites that are doing really well on the online shopping platform. In fact this inclination among the youth is going to help the online retail industry to reach Rs 7,000 crore mark by 2015, ASSOCHAM predicts. Among the reasons cited by the youth, ones like convenience to shop anytime during the 24 hours and ability to collect detailed product information have helped fuel the trend. Besides the convenience of researching a variety of products available and comparing prices from different vendors anywhere in the world, are also a factor.
One of the Few Sites that started the online shopping on the internet are today a very big players. To name a few, Amazon and EBay are doing really well with attracting thousands of viewers every day. Some of the major advantages of online shopping on internet which makes it popular among the retailers are low investment cost, direct access to target customers and quick return on investment. Given above all the facts, Indian marketers are also increasingly becoming conscious about the viability of returned goods, if customer is not satisfied with the product. Online retail industry in India is likely to be worth ' 70 billion by 2015 according to Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India. The buying-selling trends from leading e-tail portals indicated that online retail market currently stands at ' 20 billion and is growing at a steady annual rate of 35%. Among Indian states, Maharashtra has the best IT infrastructure, both from the retail industry perspective as well as consumers.
Online shoppers commonly use credit card for making payments. However, one can also use a debit card, electronic money, cash on delivery (COD), cheque, wire transfer and postal money order.
The business of Online shopping in India is increased by 18% over the previous 12 months. Online shopping are the electronic commerce websites in which the user can buy directly the product from the seller and take their services through internet. This way of doing Online shopping is very convenient for the customers and they can buy the product at any time they want with lot many choices available.
Share: Today the scenario has changed dramatically. It is not only the private sector but also the government sector which has woken up to the possibilities that the Internet has in store for them. That means today one can not only purchase clothing, utensils, furniture, electronics, books, movies, flight tickets, rent cars and a few thousand other products online, but they can also book railway tickets and even pay their self assessment and advance taxes online on the government websites. The days they had to stand in long queues at the stores or spending the whole day to pay taxes or buy railway tickets are now finally gone for good.
by: Jeremy Rucrein
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