Erbs Palsy Injuries And Malpractice Cases

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Erb's palsy is an injury that can affect an infant's shoulder, arm and hand, leaving the baby with a limp arm. An Erb's palsy injury may arise in the course of childbirth if excessive pressure is used, in so doing harming the nerves in the shoulder. In case your child suffers from Erb's palsy you ought to contact an attorney right away to find out if you and your newborn may have a medical malpractice claim against the doctor responsible for the injury. Erb's palsy describes damage to the network of nerve fibers that send signals from the spinal cord to the shoulder, arm, wrist, hand and fingers, and thus impacts the child's ability to use the affected areas and feeling in those areas.
Erb's pasy typically happens to babies in the course of a challenging natural delivery as a result of too much pressure applied to the head, neck or shoulders. The kind of deliveries in which a baby is has the greatest risk of being hurt in this way include those involving a large baby, breeched position or prolonged labor. In such situations, the physician or other health care professional may apply maneuvers (sometimes including the use of forceps or a vacuum) that can result in too much pulling on the shoulders in the course of a headfirst delivery or put too much pressure on the arm and shoulder during a breech delivery.
In general terms, the infant tends to show what might best be described as a limp arm. Basically, the arm hangs limp and is rotated internally. As a result of the loss of use, the arm might seem underdeveloped as compared to the unaffected arm. Also, babies with Erb's palsy may display several other symptoms regarding problems with blood flow, like skin rashes, slow healing, and a susceptibility to infections.

Share: Many infants affected by Erb's palsy fully recover within six months, frequently with the help of physical therapy. In instances involving an actual rupturing or tearing of the nerves, surgery may be needed, possibly including tendon transfers to make up for nerves that no longer function. When an operation does not correct the damage, the infant could be left with permanent, partial, or total loss of functionality of the affected nerves, resulting in paralysis of the arm or arm weakness.
If your child suffer from Erb's Palsy immediately consult with a medical malpractice lawyer to find out if you and your minor may be able to pursue a malpractice claim against the doctor or other medical care professional responsible for your infant's injury. Consider that the law limits the time a plaintiff has to pursue a claim. Consult with a lawyer concerning how much time may remain.
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