Ensuring that You Have Enough Life Insurance
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While most of us will understand that we need to have life insurance to protect our families in the case of something unexpected happening, few of us would understand what type of issues we need to protect our family against and exactly how that is going to relate to the dollar amount of life insurance that we carry. There are many expenses beyond just the expense of a funeral that must be paid for, and without your income your family may find it difficult to meet those expenses.
When you get ready to buy life insurance it is important to understand that you are in essence planning for the future and as such you much take into consideration what that future may hold if you suddenly are not a part of it any longer.
When considering how much life insurance you should have you must first consider the facts, are you married, do you have any kids or are you responsible for anyone financially? If not then life insurance need only be enough to cover your burial expenses and to pay off any debt you have, this ensures that you do not leave your family with any financial burden after your death.
If you do have a family that is dependent on you this will change a lot of things. Not only will you need to make sure that the funeral is covered and debts are paid off, but you must also consider what the needs of your dependents are as well. If your spouse has a job of her own, will she be able to support your family on her own or will she need help? If she does not work, will she need marketable skills she does not now possess? Your life insurance amount should take into consideration whatever will be necessary for your spouse to carry on when you are gone.
Children are a special consideration as well; they not only need the ability to continue their life as it was before your demise but they will have needs in the future that will need to be met. You may wish to consider having a policy that will take their education into account for instance.
You should also take into consideration the possibility of any medical bills you may leave along the way as well. If you should become ill before your death medical bills can add up quickly. This is an issue that you should anticipate before the event, since once you become ill, raising your life insurance or adding more will become very difficult.
Plan to pay off your mortgage and any car loans, while you may not consider this a part of your debt load, this can greatly reduce the burden on your spouse and allow her the ability to concentrate on taking care of your family.
Most life insurance experts will recommend that you should get an amount of life insurance that is equal to three to ten times your annual salary. Keep in mind this is variable depending on the number of dependents you have as well as how much your salary is and how high your mortgage and debt load is. You must also take into consideration in this amount any special circumstances such as do your spouse or children have any special needs or are they going to be dependent longer than most people would be.
Finally you must decide the amount of security that you want your family to have, should something happen to you. This is highly individual and it is all determined by the amount of money you make now. Keep in mind that the higher the amount of the life insurance payout the higher the premium, you need to keep this figure at a number that you can afford with your current salary.
This leaves no cast in stone number that you should make your policy for, it is highly individual and based largely on your personal circumstances. If you have any doubts or concerns or are just not sure how to decide how much your life insurance should be, an agent can be a lot of help guiding you to come up with the right number.
You can also take the time to request life insurance quotes online, these are free, no obligation and they take only a short amount of time to obtain, this will give you a much better idea of what you can expect to pay so that you can make your life insurance in keeping with your current salary. You can visit us at Life Insurance Quotes to get your quotes as well as more information about how buy life insurance.
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