Enjoying A Trip: A Matter Of Getting Travel Insurance
Share: Consider a trip to Paris during the summer without a hotel booking
, this is how people feel when they are just about to check into a flight before realizing that they should have gotten insurance coverage earlier.
One insurance executive travels a lot and he strongly suggests that people check their insurance coverage while planning their itinerary, this will prevent major mishaps from happening during the trip.
Taking a seven week around the world trip just recently, the executive used this as an example. A Malayan car, an Indian train, and an boat became his modes of transportation for the trip he intentionally planned to take completely by airplane.
An additional accident and common carrier coverage was also purchased together with a regular flight insurance plan for the trip, just in case an accident occurs during their land and water travels, he and his family will be secured.
Share: By knowing the common predicaments faced by travelers during trips, and with his knowledge when it comes to insurance policies, he managed to make some travel tips that could be of much use to other people.
You need to know who and what is insured and up to where your coverage extends to, he says, so you should definitely take a look at every policy you already have, from auto coverage to health plans.
Especially, ascertain that all premiums are paid up until the time you are away to avoid cancellation of coverage.
According to him, should you travel with the family, you need to ensure that your health insurance can be extended to cover them for the trip.
When vacationing abroad, he highlighted how health insurance continues to provide protection. But for someone who is planning to take a prolonged trip abroad, say around the world for nine to 10 months, the insurance company should be notified way in advance.
This is due to the limitations that most kinds of coverage have as they are bound by time.
Several auto insurance policies cover motorists anywhere in the country or in Canada too, what the motorist will need is his policy identification card.
Certain statutes for impounding may be applied in Canada, if you get into an accident while you are there, having some proof of insurance can make things easier for you to handle.
When in Mexico, your auto coverage may be somewhat limited. Representatives from Mexican insurance companies can be located in the border towns and the Mexican government says that travelers should not hesitate to visit them.
Before leaving the country for a European vacation, a member of the American automobile association can easily request for insurance coverage that will allow him to drive around different European cities, the local club will coordinate everything with a firm in London.
You can also have protection arranged by a European car rental agency. Since you are in a different country, recognize how it becomes more important for you to drive with care, no one wants to go through the trouble of dealing with foreigners when you cause them to get into an accident, so when in Europe do not be reckless.
by: John Chambers
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