Enhance Your Clients' Massage Experience With A Portable Steam Sauna

Share: If you are a professional massage therapist, you are always on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance your clients' massage experience
. Why not give them celebrity treatment by beginning or ending your session with a little time in a real steam sauna? Here's an overview about this latest trend in high quality massage treatments.
Why a Sauna?
Saunas have long been valued as means toward relief for
--joint pain

Share: --muscle tenseness
--poor circulation
--allergies and asthma symptoms
Although massage alone will help relieve a lot of these troubles, sauna treatments also provide beauty benefits that massage does not:
--beautiful skin
--cellulite reduction
--raises metabolic rate for potential weight loss benefits
Your clients will be thrilled at the overall improvement in their looks following their massage/sauna treatments and will appreciate the extra attention you have given to them. And best of all: it feels great!
How the Portable Sauna Works
A portable steam sauna is just what its name implies: fully portable! The sauna itself can be attached to virtually any stationary or portable massage table and can be taken wherever you go, on demand. The sauna canopy is stretched over the table, allowing plenty of space in between to prevent claustrophobic feelings while still offering complete privacy for the client. The client's head can be left outside the canopy, which allows a therapist to provide a facial massage at the same time or an esthetician can give full facial treatments.
Besides the massage table, the only thing you need to operate the sauna is a simple electrical outlet along with access to water. Portable saunas are ecologically friendly and do not cost much to operate since they use very little water and very little power.
You can offer the sauna before the massage treatment as a means to enhance relaxation or after the massage treatment to cap off your excellent work.
Professionals in many fields such as physical therapists, acupuncturists, and chiropractors are already seeing the benefits of having portable steam saunas in their arsenals, and massage therapists are too.
The massage therapy industry is a competitive one, and professionals need to use every means possible to set themselves apart from the rest of the crowd and attract and keep a loyal client base. Portable saunas add that extra touch to your overall treatment regimen that just might make that critical difference.
by: Art Gib
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