Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial cancer occurs when cells of the endometrium go through a transformation
and start to build up and increase without the control mechanisms that usually thwart their increase. As the cells grow and multiply, they form a cluster called a tumor. Cancer is hazardous because it overwhelms healthy cells by captivating their space and the oxygen and nutrients they require to stay alive and function.
Endometrial cancer may possibly expand in breast cancer patients who have been treated with tamoxifen. Any patient taking this medicine should have a pelvic test every year and report any vaginal bleeding as soon as possible. Women taking only estrogen have a bigger risk of endometrial cancer. Consuming estrogen combined with progesterone does not increase a woman"s risk of this type of cancer.
The treatment of endometrial cancer has altered largely in the past decade with the introduction of a new staging system and surgical approaches accompanied by fresh adjuvant therapies. Primary surgical treatment is the core of therapy but the effectiveness and level of lymphadenectomy has been criticized, and its recognition as a routine practice varies by country. Radiation"s role has advanced and chemotherapy has been incorporated, either alone or combined with radiation, to treat the numerous patients in whom cancer reappear. Vaginal bleeding is a symptom of 90% of patients; therefore, directly report any unusual bleeding to the gynecologist to ensure the best probability of early diagnosis.
Endometrial cancer is often diagnosed at an early stage because it regularly produces irregular vaginal bleeding, which prompts women to see their doctors. In early discovery of endometrial cancer, removing the uterus surgically often removes all of the cancer.
While the majority cases of endometrial cancer cannot be prevented, there are several things that may lessen the danger of getting this disease. One thing you can do is to adjust risk factors whenever possible. Women who are overweight or fat have up to 3 times the danger of getting endometrial cancer as compared to women in a good physical shape. Getting to and maintaining a well fit body is one way to lesser the risk of this cancer.
Doctors have been working to learn more about this cancer, ways to avoid it, how to best treat it, and how to provide the best care to people diagnosed with this disease. Technological advances in DNA knowledge have helped scientists understand how genetic mutations of tumor suppressor genes can lead to cancer.
For more information visit: http://www.unsafedrugs.com/endometrial-cancer/
by: Jack Taylor
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