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Employee Surveys Show Only Half Are Satisfied With Jobs

Employee Surveys Show Only Half Are Satisfied With Jobs

Only 55 percent of employees earning more than $50

,000 and 45 percent of those who earn less than $15,000 annually declare they are satisfied with their jobs.

Those findings ought to set off alarm bells with employers and employees alike.

It's a proven fact that workers satisfaction impacts productivity and employee retention; therefore, employers' bottom lines benefit when their workforce is satisfied. Employees who are satisfied in their work earn more and enjoy better mental and physical health.

How do you feel about your job? If you are among the huge number of those who are "unsatisfied," it's time to get cracking with an action plan to improve your life on the job. Left uncorrected such a state of mind slowly but surely breeds frustration and ennui, which in turn sap your strength and abilities to build a successful career.Employee Surveys Show Only Half Are Satisfied With Jobs

Rate Your Job Satisfaction

The first step is to take inventory of your career path. Rate each of the following points on a scale of one to ten. The higher the number the more satisfied you are.

1. The total of your compensation: your paycheck, your benefits including health insurance, savings and retirement and vacation.

2. The balance between your work and leisure time.

3. Your workload.

4. Your chances for advancement.

5. Your job itself. 6. Your boss relationships.

7. Your work environment.

Take the total of your ratings and divide the number by seven. On the scale of one to ten, how satisfied are you with your career? Now, move to step two by answering these questions:

1. What changes can make to raise your satisfaction level to the seven to eight range in your present job?

2. Is the shortfall in your satisfaction score due to external forces that surround your job?

Are You At Fault?

It is necessary to ask if you are the root of your dissatisfaction?

If the problems are of your own making, you must know that they will follow you wherever you go until you make corrections in your own thinking.

If you are not convinced that you can achieve a seven or eight score on your present job it's time to consider looking elsewhere.

Whatever, you do, if you are not reasonably well satisfied with your life at work take action this day.

Remember the frog. Place him in a cooker of cool water and place it over a flame. The creature will play around happily as the water changes from cool to warm. He will continue to adapt, swimming about contentedly, even as the water begins to simmer. It is not until the water reaches the boiling point that the frog finally recognizes he is in serious trouble and tries to get out. But by that time, his strength has been sapped and it is too late.

by: Ramon Greenwood
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Employee Surveys Show Only Half Are Satisfied With Jobs