Effective Ways To Fight Cancer

Share: Cancer now days have become one of the most dreadful diseases that have affected millions through out the world
. It is medically termed as malignant neoplasm. Cancer is basically caused due to uncontrollable growth of the malignant cells. Statistics reveal that the death rate due to malignant neoplasm is continuously rising and will reach 12 million in 2030. Over 200 types of cancer have been discovered till now. Following are some most common types of cancer that are found in children, women and men:
* Children: lymphoma, Leukemia and brain tumors.
* Women: lung, colorectal and Breast.
* Men: colorectal, lung and Prostate.
Effective Cancer Treatments
Cancer treatments mainly focus on controlling and removing the malignant cells. Unfortunately these treatments have some side effects such as recurrence of cancer and various infections but this is not necessary in all cases. Following are the details about some of the most successful treatments for cancer:
Biologic Therapy: The main base of this therapy is to focus on the proper functioning of the immune system by utilizing the substance that occurs naturally in our body and helps in fighting cancer. Biological therapy aims to enhance the natural defense capability of the immune system to fight back malignant neoplasm.
Bone Marrow Transplants: BMT is mainly used to make it easier for the patients to receive the higher doses of radiation therapy and chemotherapy. This therapy has its main focus on repairing of the stem cells that are damaged during the radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Three types of transplants are available in this therapy:
* Allogeneic transplants Stem cells are received from donor.
* Syngeneic transplant Stem cells are received from identical twin.
* Autologous transplant- Self stem cells are received.
Chemotherapy: In this therapy several medications are taken in order to control the increase in the growth of the cancer cells. These medications tend to shrink the tumor so as to make surgery more convenient. Chemotherapy is generally combined up with surgery. This therapy is also termed as Adjuvant therapy (basically when used up after surgery to control the recurrence of cancer cells), Neo- adjuvant therapy (when used up before the surgery in order to shrink tumor for making surgery easier) and Concurrent therapy (given together with any other therapy).
Proton Therapy: This therapy is rather an advanced form of the radiation therapy. However its use is not very common and it is available only on some limited centre across the world. This advanced therapy has reduced the side effects and have better outcome.
Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy utilizes the highly energetic X- rays to kill the cancer cells. The treatment is carried on for the period of a month or so in the form of small doses. Radiation therapy can be either used independently or can also be collectively used up with some other treatments.
Surgical Oncology: The basic aim of surgical oncology is to remove the entire tumor. This is one of the oldest cancer treatment methods. A complete diagnostic and studies should be performed before this treatment.
Photodynamic therapy, hormone therapy and vaccine therapy are some of the alternative cancer treatment methods that are also very successful in curing malignant neoplasm. Cancer is a frightful disease but if it is identified on its earlier stage it can be cured.
by: Neil Sunday
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