Easy Natural Liver Detox
Easy Natural Liver Detox
Easy Natural Liver Detox
The natural health researchers at Institute for Vibrant Living (IVL) have investigated the natural remedies available for liver ailments. Here is their report:
The liver is the largest gland in the human body and servesvery important functions, such as:
Detoxifyingthe bloodstream, filtering potentially harmful impurities.
The liver produces bile a yellowish liquid necessary for the absorption of fat from the intestine.
Fat-soluble substances including some chemicals and medicines are stored in the liver.
Using enzymes, the liver converts these substances into water-soluble forms that can then beflushed through the kidneys or the gastrointestinal tract.
The liver is also responsible for metabolizing hormones and for the production of cholesterol. With the body dependent on the liver for all of these important functions, it is essential to keep it as healthy as possible!
Check out thesefacts for optimizing liver health:
Chemikill Food Additives
Don't eat foods that have been put through a process to preserve shelf life, as theseare infused with chemicals that can be potentially harmful.
The liver has to work overtime to filter toxic preservatives like nitrates used for some types of meat and benzoic acid used in some forms of margarine, fruit juices and carbonated beverages.
Other undesirable additives include artificial coloring, flavoring or sweeteners.
Nature's Foods
Organically-grown foods reduce the workload of the liver as they are void of agricultural chemicals. Look for fruits and vegetables high in beta-carotene or antioxidants like carrots, beets, broccoli, peppers, apples, oranges, pink grapefruit, and berries.
Lemon is particularly healthy for the liver, as it contains hydrochloric acid, which is helpful in the digestion of proteins.
Juicing Alternative
Crushed vegetable juice is chock full of concentrated, liver-cleansing nutrients. As vegetable juice travels quickly through the blood stream, it has a swift, positive effect on the liver. Advocates of juicing also report improved mental clarity and focus, enhanced sleep, reduced stress, better digestion, and clearer skin. Carrots, parsnips, beets, celery and cucumbers are good detoxifying vegetables to juice for the liver.
Note- A quick way to get your 5 daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables is to take a superfood supplement, such as All Day Energy Greens from Institute for Vibrant Living (IVL Products.com). One tablespoon mixed with water or juice provides natural energy and removes excess acid from the body with 38 natural greens ingredients.
Good Fats, Bad Fats
For good liver health, try steaming vegetables, baking fish and roasting meats and poultry.
Avoid saturated and trans-fats and concentrate instead on:
monounsaturated fats, found in extra-virgin olive oil, avocados and almonds.
polyunsaturated fats the healthiest found in wild, cold-water fish, flaxseed oils and walnuts.
Savor the Flavor
Overeating can adversely affect the liver because it is forced to work harder to process additional food. Eating smaller meals and thoroughly chewing food helps to promote healthy metabolism through a more efficient digestive process.
Don't Be a Lush
As it is a potentially toxic substance, it is best to limit consumption of alcohol to keep the liver functioning properly. Heavy alcohol use can cause liver damage on its own and is known to accelerate the development of liver disease in people with hepatitis B or C.
Medical experts recommend two drinks or less per day for men and one drink or less per day for women.
Be Water Wise
To promote good health throughout the body, drink at least 64 ounces of pure filtered or spring water daily.
Adequate hydration helps to keep the blood thin and easy to filter. Water carries hormones, nutrients, and oxygen through the blood stream and enhances the efficiency of enzymes all of which are essential to healthy liver function.
Tip-Infuse water with lemon juice or a lemon slice for optimum liver health!
Listen to your Liver
Check out teas or supplements containing liver-detoxifying herbs like milk thistle and dandelion root.
Many supplements available in capsule or liquid form contain a host of healthy detoxifiers, including herbs, alpha-lipoic acid, and amino acids like arganine, methionine and taurine.
A natural liver supplement from Institute for Vibrant Living (IVLProducts.com) contains these four essential ingredients and more, with no added preservatives or chemicals. The product is called Liver Clear.
Keeping your liver healthy should be a priority. Like any filter of toxic substances, be it man-made or from nature, good maintenance is critical for continued healthy functioning.
Remember - it's up to you to take steps to preserve your health before you get a liver ailment!
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