Earn Shopping Money By Selling Pepper Sprays To Those You Know! They Need Them And Will Buy Them On Impulse!
Need an Extra Hundred Bucks a Week?
Need an Extra Hundred Bucks a Week?
Let's say thatyou needed an extra fifty or hundred bucks a week? Consider this idea, and please hear me out! You don't want to get a second job, heck, you don't even like the first one, right? I actually have a few college girl clients who are doing what I am about to share with you!
Suppose you found an awesome item that many people would want to buy, on impulse, when the item is offered to them, and they will pull out fifteen or twenty bucks in cash!
Buy Wholesale Pepper Sprays then Sell Them for a Profit!
Obviously, there is a growing problem in this country with crime, and many folks would like to have some sort of a self defense item, just in case! Self defense pepper sprays, are a great, effective, non-lethal self defense item! They are extremely popular because they are small, lightweight, inexpensive, easy to carry and they are completely legal in almost all of the fifty United States!
My name is Father Time, a self-help writer and speaker, and I also sell merchandise on my website at
www.FatherTimePublishing.com at retail, but I am willing to sell at wholesale, in small quantities, even if you don't have abusiness!
These pepper spraysdon't happen to be soldeverywhere that you turn!
This is a HUGE opportunity for You! On my website, youcan actually buy a measly fifty of these self defense,pepper sprays at wholesale, without being a "business" and then turn around and sell them to anyone that you know (of legal age) for a cash profit! That's right...a CASH profit!
Imagine all of the possibilities? You can carry them in a book bag, pocketbook, or briefcase, and offer them to fellow college students, co-workers, friends, neighbors, or whomever!
Many people will pull out a twenty dollar bill and buy one or two of these on impulse! I know because I have been doing this for years! Even though I sell them wholesale, only 50 at a time, to folks who want to try this great money making idea, I still enjoy selling them at retail as well! Plus, people all over my town come up to me when they see me, and ask "Aren't you the guy who sells the pepper sprays?" Then they pull out some money to buy one or two or sometimes more! These also make awesome gifts!
My name is Father Time. Please visit my great website to
Learn More About Selling Pepper Sprays!You don't have to sell them face to face! In fact, you can even get a simple website at a place such as GoDaddy.com and sell them online! Or you can sell them on eBay!You can have people pay you through PayPal. If you don't have afree account with them yet,
Then Click Here For PayPal Information!If you are squeamish about selling pepper sprays or selling in general...I have an awesome new eBookthat featuresover 111 various ways that YOU can make money from home with your own home based business!
So, whatever you decide to do, please don't sit around broke and upset! Get out there and do something that will put the much needed cash into your pockets! You can do it! Please don't let anyone tell you that you cannot!
"The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person who is doing it."
Many Blessings!
Earn Shopping Money By Selling Pepper Sprays To Those You Know! They Need Them And Will Buy Them On Impulse!
By: Father Time
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Earn Shopping Money By Selling Pepper Sprays To Those You Know! They Need Them And Will Buy Them On Impulse! Copenhagen