Earn Online Distance Learning Degree

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Earn Online Distance Learning Degree
A college degree could make a big difference in your life-raise your earning potential, lead to a new career or job promotion, or open the door to knowledge you've always yearned to possess. But can you afford to put your life on hold in order to go back to the classroom? If the answer is no, this guide may be the key to achieving your educational goal. Here's all the information you need to earn your online distance education degrees from a fully accredited college or online university in your own home and on your own time.
Discover which colleges and universities nationwide offer online degrees that require you to spend little or no time on capus. Match your interests to the wide range of programs available. Then go on to earn the same degree that traditional students earn.
The World Wide Web (also known as the Web) is a system for viewing and using multimedia documents on the Internet. Web documents are created in HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and are interpreted by Web browsers (software that enables you to view HTML). In online distance learning, instructors can create Web sites to deliver lectures, assignments and tests as weel as message boards where students can share information and questions. Students can also search the Web for online databases to use on assignments.
At first glance, online distance education resembles education through correspondence courses. This shouldn't be surprising - after all they are, in essence, an outgrowth of correspondence courses and involve a delivery method that isn't face-to-face involve a delivery method that isn't face-to-face with the instructor of a course. However, upon closer examination, you'll see that online courses are actually more like traditional classes or a hybrid of traditional and correspondence courses. For many courses, instructors postassignments (readings, lectures to watch, projects, etc.) via the Web or e-mail and students have a certain amount of time in which to work on or complete them outside of class. Upon completing an assignment, the student submit it - usually via e-mail. Then all of the students are expected to log-on to the web (to a particular chat room or discussion board) at a given time to discuss assignments - this gives the students direct interaction with each other and immediate feedback from the instructor. And many of the online distance learning programs adhere to the same academic schedule as their traditional counterparts - they are based on semester or quarter terms.
For many courses, instructors post assignments (readings, lectures to watch, projects, etc.) via the Web or e-mail and students have a certain amount of time in which to work on or complete them outside of class. Upon completing an assignment, the student submit it - usually via e-mail. Then all of the students are expected to log-on to the web (to a particular chat room or discussion board) at a given time to discuss assignments - this gives the students direct interaction with each other and immediate feedback from the instructor.
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