Eagle Ranch Academy is a Successful Youth Residential Treatment Center
Eagle Ranch Academy is a Successful Youth Residential Treatment Center
According to:
Dr Phil, (TV personality)
Dr Maryann Rosenthal,
The Montel Williams Show,
TopBoarding Schools.com
Jaime Martin, Top NFL quarterback
And many others
Eagle Ranch Academy is a highly focused and successful youth residential treatment center that focuses on helping troubled teens between ages 12-17, to learn how to get their lives back on track and lead a more successful, healthier one.
Our founders Dave and Paul Arslanian, who had both been football coaches in their early careers, noticed that positive character development was integral to success in football. They soon turned to promoting those same principles to help troubled teens.
Many troubled teens facing serious problems, such as drug and alcohol addiction, negative peer pressure, eating disorders, clinical depression, ADHD and ADD, also suffer from low self esteem. They typically have many talents, but are underperforming academically. The Arslanian brothers have taken a distinctly different approach to helping them overcome their issues. Although Eagle Ranch Academy includes clinical approaches and employs licensed professionals on our caring staff,( such as psychiatrists, behavioral psychologists, educational psychologists, medical doctors, therapists, nurses, and others), we believe that troubled teens need help with positive, non clinical, personal development as well.
This has meant that youths in our residential treatment program also undergo activities that promote introspection and self reflection. These are encouraged in all activities at Eagle Ranch Academy, whether the youth is participating in a group counseling session, individual therapy session, group activity (such as chores), or while getting their daily workout. Though the implementation of ERA's Value Based Behavior Modification program, our Life Coaching Skills program, and our Emotional Growth Seminars, students will feel above all, nurtured by the people and environment at here at ERA.
We also teach our students from day one about our 8 Core Values of Character. We know that kids who have gone off track but are otherwise academically, athletically or artistically talented, just need the proper, multi-faceted, focused help so that they can discover their own strengths. They need to begin to see their own goodness, to take responsibility for the direction their lives have turned, to be able to forgive the people in their lives associated with the root causes of their problems, and to work on accepting themselvesall of themselveswithout looking to others for validation.
The secret to our incredible success at effecting long term change in troubled youth behavior, is that we don't see them as inmates' and we don't give up on them. We believe that any troubled teen can turn their life around and make a fresh, healthy start for themselves. We don't just put them on medications and wait till they run through' the program.
In fact, Eagle Ranch Academy only has an open-ended program. Teens complete it when they make breakthroughs and actually internally change their thinking about their lives. Many other programs feel that if youths act well in the program, they will be good when they go home. This isn't true, and it doesn't provide an incentive for teens to really look at themselvesmuch less in a positive lightas they complete other programs with predetermined end dates.
We don't work that way here at Eagle Ranch Academy. We have been successful to the point where we have received notice from high profile places because we heal with love, with positivity, with encouragement, and because we teach youth the real life skills and character traits they need to stay on track after they leave us.
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Eagle Ranch Academy is a Successful Youth Residential Treatment Center Ljubljana