Dreams to Become a World Traveler
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Dreams to Become a World Traveler
I have to admit, I have passed the 40 year mark in age. At this point in my life, I tendto reflect on my life's ambitions and what my future has in store for me. I am a singlemother of two. I have never gotten my passport, and I have never been off the EastCoast of the United States. I hear stories from friends and colleagues of their travelsand vacations throughout the years. I want something to talk about. I want to explorethe world's most fascinating people and places. I want to share and create memories formyself and my children.My dream is to become a world traveler. I want my children to experience new culturesand take them on adventures. I am willing to start off small, so my goal for the summerof 2010 is to go on a cruise. This winter, we are going to Montreal to ski for the firsttime. Each year, I plan on taking one fun family vacation around the country and onefamily exploration somewhere around the world. Maybe we will go to Australia, or anAmazon Voyage or tour Windsor Castle in London. I would love to take my kids on anexploration through the jungles and rainforests in Costa Rica.We all have goals, ambitions and dreams in our life. We need to stop putting things offand coming up with excuses why we cannot do it. My dream is a dream of many. Thereason many dreams of travel remain only a dream is because of the expense. Theeconomy will never be the same, however; the travel industry is still thriving because itis now catering to the middle class offering us inclusive vacation packages, affordableflights and tourist packages. This gives the hard working class families the opportunityto save up and afford a vacation. The internet is filled with travel specials and the ideasare endless. It is one step at a time and one adventure at a time. By the time my kidsare grown and ready to leave the nest; they will do so with memories of quality timespent exploring the world.
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